CHSPU President Vladimir Ivanov Takes Part in the Final Installment of the TV Program «Student’s Day»

CHSPU President Vladimir Ivanov Takes Part in the Final Installment of the TV Program «Student’s Day»On June 11, the final installment of the program “Student’s Day” released by the National TV and Radio Company «Chuvash Yen», went on air.
The project started in October 2018 and was to include weekly hourly broadcasts on the Chashash Yen TV channel. The installments contained information about the latest news of the local universities, interviews with students, graduates, scholars, information about student associations, creative teams, grant holders, university achievements, interactions with studio guests, etc.
At the very beginning, media teams of several higher and vocational educational institutions of the republic joined the project. Only the media team of I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University STUDLINE managed to complete the project.
From October 2018 to June 2019, the program "Student’s Day" from the team of CHSPU went on the air 32 times. During this time, the guys made 93 videos, took part in the project as presenters, cameramen, journalists, authors of texts, etc.
55 people became guests of the studio, among them there were students, teachers, graduates, undergraduates, leaders of public associations, school teachers, members of creative groups, etc. President of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Ivanov, was a special guest in the final installment of the program.
The media team of CHSPU STUDLINE is grateful to the administration of the university for its support. We would also like to express our gratitude to the administration of the National TV and Radio Company for the opportunity to participate in the project.

June 13, 2019