CHSPU Student Lubov Mikhailova Takes Part in the All-Russian Youth Forum «Taurida 5.0»

CHSPU Student Lubov Mikhailova Takes Part in the All-Russian Youth Forum «Taurida 5.0»Lubov Mikhailova, a student of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical university, took part in the "Folk Session" of the All-Russian Youth Forum "Taurida 5.0". The main goal of the session is to make people rediscover the unique culture of different ethnic groups living in Russia.
The session will last until July 5. Among its participants there are 400 musicians, vocal artists and choreographers who perform folk pieces. Lubov Mikhailova, a student of the Faculty of Technology and Economics, is one of them.
The participants of the "Folk Session" are preparing an art manifesto with a suggestion to announce next year as the «Year of Folk Arts and Non-Material Cultural Heritage" in Russia. In their opinion, it will help revive the authentic folk culture and imbue it with a new life.
The program of the Forum includes a presentation of the first national folk prize for the First Festival of Creative Communities «Taurida – ART», and a vocal performance of Ekaterina Shik, a participant of the series of All-Russian charity events called “Dream with Me”. The “meet-the-artist session” will be held by the famous Russian producer and composer Igor Matvienko.
Lubov Mikhailova: “It’s a completely new view of arts! People share their drive and power with each other! At “Taurida” you feel creative vibes everywhere, you get the knowledge you need to move forward, to open new horizons.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to communicate with different people and to learn about their cultures, the differences between them, and to represent your own culture”.

July 2, 2019