Groupmates Meet 61 Years after Graduation

Groupmates Meet 61 Years after GraduationThis group of graduates of the Historical and Philological faculty of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute can be called unique, as they carried their student friendships through decades.
Every year on August 19, veteran teachers meet near the pedagogical university, which they graduated in 1958. Each year there are fewer of them, but they always come to a meeting in order to remember their student years, talk about life, about their work and about teaching.
These senior citizens are unique not only by devotion to each other, but also by their profession. Almost all of them devoted their entire life to teaching. Moreover, many of them worked as literature teachers in those rural schools where they were sent to work by their alma mater.
This year, graduates of 1958 met in the familiar park near the main building of the Pedagogical University. You can write more than one page about the life of each of them. They have striking morale, a warm and affectionate attitude to each other, and genuine intelligence.
Thank you, our dear Teachers.
Vasily Prokopyevich Romanov, group monitor: “We meet in the park near the main building, which we call Ogorod (Vegetable Garden). We remember the time when the trees in it were very small, because we planted them. We always remember our rector Konstantin Yevlampyevich Yevlampyev. At the time a new building of the institute (the main building) was built, in which we were the first to study. He began to build dormitories for students on Leningradskaya Street.
It is a pity that he is not with us now, but we remember and will never forget him. We will not forget our university and our fellow students. Scattered to different parts of the country, my groupmates worthily lived a whole era. They have done much to be proud of. Many have become honored teachers of the Chuvash Republic and the Russian Federation, masters of public education. ”

Photos by T. Kugatkina
August 19, 2019