CHSPU Best Driver Contest

CHSPU Best Driver ContestThe Best Driver contest took place at Yakovlev University in order to popularize the system of high-quality professional training and retraining of vehicle drivers. The organizer of the contest, which was held within the framework of the NAUKA 0+ science festival, was the Faculty of Technology and Economics.
The participants demonstrated knowledge of the road traffic rules, the construction of a car, first aid treatment in the intramural stage of the contest, and then the skills of high-speed maneuvering at a specialized site.
The winners of the competition are:
1st place - R. Komissarov, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
2nd place - M. Yatrushev, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
3rd place - N. Elizarov, Faculty of Technology and Economics.
Photos from the archives of the Faculty of Technology and Economics