Session of Chuvash Practicing Speech Therapists Club

Session of Chuvash Practicing Speech Therapists ClubOn November 14, on the International Day of Speech Therapist, the Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogics and Psychology of Yakovlev University held the annual session of the Chuvash Practicing Speech Therapists Club. The meeting was presided by Andrey Petrovich Matryonin, graduate of the faculty, speech therapist, aphasiologist, speech technical trainer.
Lyubov Nikolaevna Antipova, mid-tier manager in the field of medical optics, massage therapist and hirudotherapist, specialist in kinesiotherapy, held a master class “Kinesiotherapy in Speech Therapy and Medical and Preventive Work”. She drew particular attention to the use of tapes in speech therapy practice to normalize the muscle tone of the articulation apparatus, and to improve speech.

November 15, 2019
Photos by the FPCPP