Total Dictation in Foreign Languages at Yakovlev University

Total Dictation in Foreign Languages at Yakovlev UniversityOn Doors Open Days at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Yakovlev University held the Total Dictation in Foreign Languages. The purpose of the event is to draw students’ attention to literacy in a foreign language (English, German, French), to motivate them to learn foreign languages and a foreign language culture through the samples of authentic fine literature, and to demonstrate them the conditions of studying at Yakovlev University.
The seventh- and eighth-graders, as well as the ninth-, tenth-, and eleventh-graders (which is over 500 pupils) took part in the event.
The partners of ChSPU in the organization of the Total Dictation in Foreign Languages were FLS “Language for Success” and “Center for Education Monitoring and Development” in Cheboksary.

November 25, 2019
Photo by E. Leontyeva (ChSPU Media Center)