Meeting of First-Year Postgraduate Students

Meeting of First-Year Postgraduate Students The meeting of first-year postgraduate students was dedicated to the organization of educational and research activities for highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel at the university.
Vladimir Ivanov, Rector of the Pedagogical University, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, presented the young researchers with postgraduate student ID cards and wished them successful scientific achievements.
Alexander Kirillov, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Work, spoke about the current dissertation council, scientific publications of the Pedagogical University and ongoing scientific and practical events.
Elena Khrisanova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy, spoke about the peculiarities of scientific research and the organization of the educational process.
The postgraduate students asked a number of topical questions to the management and received comprehensive answers.

November 29, 2019
Photo by A. Kirillov (Yakovlev University Media Center)