Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

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педагогика университечĕ
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации


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Главная страница » Материалы за 11.07.2019
Graduation of students of the Faculty of Natural Science Education
Graduation of students of the Faculty of Natural Science EducationOn July 6, the graduates of the full-time Department of the Faculty of Natural-Science Education were awarded diplomas of higher education.
Opening the ceremony, Dean of the Faculty Natural-Science Education Vladislav Alekseev stressed the importance and relevance of teachers in the labor market.
The Rector of Yakovlev University, Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Vladimir Ivanov made a welcoming speech: “At the University you have received profound knowledge, developed creative abilities, learned to defend your views and beliefs. Let this success be an incentive for new achievements. This is the potential to help you cope with all the challenges in life and achieve great success.”
Veronika Chumikova: the Winner of the International Wrestling Tournament
Veronika Chumikova: the Winner of the International Wrestling TournamentJuly 4-7, the traditional International Wrestling Grand Prix Tournament of Spain took place in Madrid.
More than 300 athletes from 24 countries took part in the competition. Veronika Chumikova, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Physical Education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, won the first prize in the weight class of up to 57 kg.
In the final match Veronika won over an Indian athlete Dhand Pookh.
Yakovlev University Rector Vladimir Ivanov Met with STUDLINE Media Center Members
Yakovlev University Rector Vladimir Ivanov Met with STUDLINE Media Center MembersJuly 3, Yakovlev University Team Work Centre hosted a meeting of the rector of the pedagogical university, Professor Vladimir Ivanov, with the participants of the STULINE media center. The head of the media center Inga Egorova summed up the performance of the centre in 2019, during which the team members showed the life of the university, its students, graduates, teachers, interesting events and events in their videos and photo essays. In addition, the young journalists created social video clips, video greetings for various holidays, participated in media contests and festivals. A great experience for young journalists was their participation in the project of the National Television of Chuvashia called “Student's Day”. From October 2018 to June 2019, the "Student Day" program from the CHSPU team went on the air 32 times. During this time, the students shot 93 videos, took part in the project as presenters, cameramen, journalists, authors of texts, etc. Our students also shared their achievements. Last year they became:
CHSPU Student Lubov Mikhailova Takes Part in the All-Russian Youth Forum «Taurida 5.0»
CHSPU Student Lubov Mikhailova Takes Part in the All-Russian Youth Forum «Taurida 5.0»Lubov Mikhailova, a student of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical university, took part in the "Folk Session" of the All-Russian Youth Forum "Taurida 5.0". The main goal of the session is to make people rediscover the unique culture of different ethnic groups living in Russia.
The session will last until July 5. Among its participants there are 400 musicians, vocal artists and choreographers who perform folk pieces. Lubov Mikhailova, a student of the Faculty of Technology and Economics, is one of them.
The participants of the "Folk Session" are preparing an art manifesto with a suggestion to announce next year as the «Year of Folk Arts and Non-Material Cultural Heritage" in Russia. In their opinion, it will help revive the authentic folk culture and imbue it with a new life.
Состоялось вручение дипломов выпускникам факультета чувашской и русской филологии
Состоялось вручение дипломов выпускникам факультета чувашской и русской филологии10 июля состоялось торжественное вручение дипломов бакалавра выпускникам факультета чувашской и русской филологии ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева. Факультет в 2018-2019 учебном году по очной форме обучения окончили 53 студента: 20 – по профилю «Родной (чувашский) язык и литература», 11 – по профилям «Мировая художественная культура, русский язык», 22 – по профилям «Русский язык и литература». 11 выпускникам были вручены дипломы с отличием.
С завершением обучения в вузе вчерашних студентов поздравили проректор по воспитательной работе и социальным вопросам ...
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации