Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

Раҫҫей Федерацийĕн ҫут ĕҫ министертстви
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педагогика университечĕ
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации


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Вести с Российско-китайского молодежного форума
Вести с Российско-китайского молодежного форумаВ городе Чанша (Китайская народная республика) продолжает работу VI Российско-китайский Молодежный форум в формате «Волга-Янцзы».
В состав российской делегации наряду со 130 представителями студенческой молодежи из высших учебных заведений Приволжского федерального округа вошли студенты факультета иностранных языков ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева Рина Абеева и Мария Богданова.
В рамках форума российские студенты знакомятся с работой местных университетов, высокотехнологичных предприятий, слушают лекции ведущих китайских ученых, знакомятся с историей и традиционной национальной культурой Китая и провинции Хунань. Кроме того, запланировано проведение концертов, круглых столов, спортивных соревнований, участие в тематических форумах «День России» и «День Китая».
В День здоровья и спорта педагоги и студенты ЧГПУ – бесплатно в бассейн!
В День здоровья и спорта педагоги и студенты ЧГПУ – бесплатно в бассейн!20 июля в Чувашии проводится очередной общереспубликанский День здоровья и спорта.
В этот день преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты педагогического университета смогут бесплатно посетить бассейн физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева (при предъявлении удостоверения или студенческого билета). Для остальных категорий граждан посещение согласно прейскуранту.
Режим работы бассейна с 7.00 до 22.00.
Следующие Дни здоровья в Чувашии в этом году пройдут 24 августа, 21 сентября, 26 октября, 23 ноября, 14 декабря.
Elena Ivanova, Yakovlev University Graduate, Became Champion of Russia in Athletics among Persons with Lesions of the Musculoskeletal System
Elena Ivanova, Yakovlev University Graduate, Became Champion of Russia in Athletics among Persons with Lesions of the Musculoskeletal SystemJoint competitions of athletes with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, visual impairment and intellectual disabilities are currently held at the Olympic Stadium in Cheboksary.
As part of the competition, athletes with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system and visual impairment are fighting for the titles of champions of Russia, while athletes with intellectual disabilities are competing for the medals of the Russian Cup.
On the first day of the competition, July 13, Elena Ivanova, three-time Paralympic champion of London, graduate of the Faculty of Physical Culture of ChSPU, won the gold medal in 100 meters.
In total, 518 athletes from 50 Russia’s regions are taking part in the competition, among them there are 350 athletes with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system, 145 athletes with a visual impairment, and 23 athletes with intellectual disabilities.
Graduates of the Faculty of Art and Music Education were Awarded Diplomas
Graduates of the Faculty of Art and Music Education were Awarded DiplomasJuly 15, a ceremonial presentation of bachelor's diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Art and Music Education took place at Yakovlev University. A bachelor's degree was obtained by 72 graduates of Music, Additional Education, Fine Arts, Artistic Processing of Ceramics, Decorative and Applied Arts and Design, Environmental Design profiles. 32 students graduated with honors.
Irina Medvedeva, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Music Education, Olga Lukicheva, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Issues, faculty members and graduates' parents addressed their congratulations to the university graduates.
ChSPU students take part in the VI Russian-Chinese Volga-Yangtze Youth Forum
ChSPU students take part in the VI Russian-Chinese Volga-Yangtze Youth ForumJuly 16, the opening ceremony of the VI Russian-Chinese Volga-Yangtze Youth Forum was held in Changsha (China, Hunan Province) with the participation of Wang Yun, State Councilor of the People’s Republic of China and Oleg Mashkovtsev, Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Volga Federal District.
The Russian delegation included more than 130 students from higher educational institutions of the Volga Federal District. These are top students, leaders of public youth life, talented artists and athletes.
The Chuvash Republic is represented at the forum by 9 people. Among them are Rina Abeyeva and Maria Bogdanova, 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages from the Chuvash State pedagogical University.
As part of the opening of the Russian-Chinese Youth Forum, a spectacular event took place when a special “vessel of friendship” was filled with water taken from the Volga and Yangtze rivers, which symbolizes strong long-term ties between the two countries.
Diplomas were Awarded to Graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education
Diplomas were Awarded to Graduates of the Faculty of Physical EducationJuly 12, a ceremonial presentation of bachelor's diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Physical Culture took place at Yakovlev University. This academic year 43 full-time students profile graduated from the faculty of Physical Education. Among them there are 2 masters of sports of Russia in athletics, members of the national team of the university in football, athletics, swimming, sambo, freestyle wrestling, volleyball. 8 students graduated with honors.
Bachelor's diplomas were awarded to 17 students who came to study from Turkmenistan.
Olga Lukicheva, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Issues, Nelli Igoshina, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Herold Drandrov, Chair of Sports Disciplines, professors, parents addressed congratulations to the graduates.
Yakovlev University Students Took Part in the Second Shift of Territory of Meanings All-Russian Youth Educational Forum
Yakovlev University Students Took Part in the Second Shift of Territory of Meanings All-Russian Youth Educational ForumChSPU students Dilyara Vakhitova, Irina Arkhipova, Ekaterina Akreeva and undergraduate Dmitry Krysin participated in the second shift of the Territory of Meanings All-Russian Youth Educational Forum.
The Ecological Environment and Education shift will take place from July 13 to July 19 at the site of the Senezh Management Workshop.
The education system, like any other, is subject to change. Modern trends and the development of technology affect higher education, some universities prefer to follow them, some do not. Students are beginning to doubt whether it is necessary to preserve the system in its current form. Shift participants will have to formulate trends in the higher education system, as well as offer their ideas on its modernization.
The speakers of the educational platform will be representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, leaders of non-governmental organizations, professors of top Russian universities and bloggers.
53 Graduates of the Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology Received Higher Education Diplomas
53 Graduates of the Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology Received Higher Education DiplomasJuly 12, 53 graduates of the Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology were awarded diplomas of higher education in the assembly hall of the main academic building of Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
17 graduates got degrees in Speech Therapy, 14 – in Pre-school defectology, 22 – in Pre-school education. 17 of them graduated with honors. The faculty graduates were addressed by Professor Vladimir Ivanov, Rector of ChSPU, Professor Igor Kozhanov, Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Corrective Pedagogy and Psychology, Andrei Matrenin, speech therapist at the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1, the faculty members and the graduates’ parents. As part of the graduation ceremony, the graduates presented their creative performances. Following the long tradition of the faculty, the last bell sounded for its graduates on this day.
Diplomas were Awarded to Graduates of the Chuvash and Russian Philology Faculty
Diplomas were Awarded to Graduates of the Chuvash and Russian Philology FacultyJuly 10, a ceremonial presentation of bachelor's degrees to graduates of the faculty of Chuvash and Russian Philology took place at Yakovlev University. 53 students graduated from the faculty in the academic year of 2018-2019: 20 of them got degrees in Native (Chuvash) Language and Literature, 11 - in World Artistic Culture and Russian language, 22 - in Russian Language and Literature. 11 students graduated with honors. Olga Lukicheva, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Issues, Tatyana Denisova, Dean of the Faculty of Chuvash and Russian Philology, professors and parents congratulated the graduates on completing their studies at the university.
В Чувашии появится новая награда «За достижения в педагогике»
В Чувашии появится новая награда «За достижения в педагогике»Минобразования Чувашии предлагает учредить нагрудный знак имени Г.Н. Волкова «За достижения в педагогике». Проект приказа размещен на портале правовых актов республики.
Получить ее смогут сотрудники организаций, работающих в сфере образования, молодежной политики, науки, социальной поддержки детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, члены общественных организаций, и иные лица, внесшие значительный вклад в педагогику и этнопедагогику.
Знак изготавливается из металла золотистого цвета и имеет форму круга диаметром 32 мм с выпуклым бортиком с обеих сторон ...
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации