Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

Раҫҫей Федерацийĕн ҫут ĕҫ министертстви
И.Я. Яковлев ячĕллĕ Чăваш патшалăх
педагогика университечĕ
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации


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Главная страница » Материалы за 26.07.2019
Информация по приему абитуриентов в ЧГПУ им. И. Я. Яковлева
Информация по приему абитуриентов в ЧГПУ им. И. Я. ЯковлеваВ ЧГПУ 26 июля завершается прием заявлений от лиц, поступающих по результатам ЕГЭ, на места в рамках контрольных цифр приема по основным профессиональным образовательным программам высшего образования.
28 июля завершается прием заявлений о согласии на зачисление и прием оригиналов документов от лиц, поступающих без вступительных испытаний, на места в пределах квот (целевой и льготный прием).
29 июля издается приказ о зачислении лиц, подавших заявление о согласии на зачисление, их числа поступающих на места в пределах квот.
1 августа завершается прием заявлений о согласии ...
First Health Camp Organized by Ann Chizhova Foundation Takes Place at ChSPU “Mechta” Health Center
First Health Camp Organized by Ann Chizhova Foundation Takes Place at ChSPU “Mechta” Health CenterFrom July 20 to July 22, the ChSPU “Mechta” Health Center hosted the first therapeutic camp in Chuvashia for children with incurable diseases and their parents.
The main goal of the camp, organized by the Ann Chizhova Foundation, is to improve the interaction skills of sick children who usually communicate only with their family members.
During these three days, 130 parents and 95 children became one large family, whose members are not divided into adults and children, able to speak and not, those who run and move in a wheelchair.
ChSPU Student Rina Abeyeva on the «Day of China» at the “Volga-Yangtze” Youth Form
ChSPU Student Rina Abeyeva on the «Day of China» at the “Volga-Yangtze” Youth Form The 6th Volga-Yangtze Russian-Chinese Youth Forum is underway in the city of Changsha (People's Republic of China).
Among 130 students of higher educational institutions of the Volga Federal District, the Russian delegation includes two students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University – Rina Abeyeva and Maria Bogdanova.
Rina Abeyeva about the “Day of China”: “The next day of the Volga-Yangzte Forum revealed new knowledge to the students from the delegation of the Chuvash Republic. Today was the "Day of China", during which we were able to get acquainted with the traditional culture of this beautiful country. The tea ceremony, local opera, folk musical instruments, paper cutting, Chinese knots impressed us no less than the surprisingly bright and beautiful national clothes of the Celestial Empire and its hospitable people.
ChSPU Student Ekaterina Dudysheva To Represent Chuvashia at the “iVolga” Youth Forum
ChSPU Student Ekaterina Dudysheva To Represent Chuvashia at the “iVolga” Youth ForumIn the Samara Region on Mastryukov lakes, final preparations for the opening of the “iVolga” Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District are being made. The forum will be held from July 23 to July 31.
To improve the cultural and spatial appearance of the forum, a contest of art objects was organized. The project "Air and Rest" developed by Ekaterina Dudysheva, a 2-year student of the Faculty of Art and Music Education of the Yakovlev University (Supervisor - Head of the Department of Design and Vocational Training Methods B.V. Samsonov), became the winner of the regional stage of the competition. Now the "Air and Rest" art object will represent the Chuvash Republic at the forum. Currently, the object is being mounted and is ready to receive the first visitors.

For reference:
This year the Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District will be called “iVolga 2.0”.
University Activists Go the Seaside
University Activists Go the SeasideThis summer will be unforgettable for student activists of the I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Today, 20 students recommended by the faculty deans and the University Student Congress went to Adler, Krasnodar Territory, located on the Black Sea coast. For ten days they will not only be able to swim and sunbathe, but also to go on interesting excursions.
We wish our students to have a good rest, gain unforgettable impressions, and to plunge into the studies and active student life of our university after they return.

For reference:
For more than 19 years, student activists of the Yakovlev University, who distinguished themselves in the educational, scientific, sports and creative activities of the university, are awarded a trip to the seaside. During this time, ChSPU students were able to relax in the resorts of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Crimea and on the Azov Sea.
ChSPU Post Graduate Students Are Awarded Certificates of Completion
ChSPU Post Graduate Students Are Awarded Certificates of CompletionOn July 18, the main building of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University hosted a solemn ceremony at which the 2019 post-graduate students were awarded certificates of completion.
Professor Vladimir Ivanov, Doctor of Pedagogical Science, President of ChSPU, inaugurated the ceremony. He wished the graduates to successfully complete the next stage – the defense of Ph.D. theses and degree conferral, and to put their scientific and creative ideas into life.
The graduate students who have successfully mastered the educational programs of the tertiary stage of higher education received post graduate certificates of education with the qualification “Researcher. Research Teacher”.
In 2019, 8 graduate students completed the programs in the following areas of training: "Biological Sciences", "Education and Pedagogical Science", "Physical Culture and Sport". As part of the cooperation agreement with the Guizhou Normal University ...
Rina Abeyeva on the «Day of Russia» at the “Volga-Yangtze” Youth Form
Rina Abeyeva on the «Day of Russia» at the “Volga-Yangtze” Youth FormOn July 18, the Day of Russia was held as part of the VI Russian-Chinese Volga-Yangtze Youth Forum. The delegation of the Chuvash Republic that included students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University Rina Abeyeva and Maria Bogdanova presented the culture of Chuvashia.
Rina Abeyeva: “In Chuvash costumes we performed a folk dance and a song, told about our beautiful republic, treated our Chinese friends with traditional Chuvash dishes and exchanged gifts. At the end of the holiday we planted a tree as a symbol of friendship between young people of our countries”.
В Чувашии состоится IV Всероссийский форум тюркской молодежи «Золото тюрков»
В Чувашии состоится IV Всероссийский форум тюркской молодежи «Золото тюрков»С 18 по 22 августа 2019 года в г. Чебоксары Чувашской Республики состоится IV Всероссийский форум тюркской молодежи «Золото тюрков»
Этот социально значимый проект проводится Федеральным агентством по делам национальностей с целью содействия гармонизации межнациональных отношений в молодежной среде путем формирования общероссийской гражданской идентичности и взаимообогащения культур народов России.
Форум включает в себя интенсивную образовательную программу, встречи с экспертным сообществом, представителями власти, ...
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации