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Главная страница » Новости на английском » I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University in the years of the Great Patriotic War
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University in the years of the Great Patriotic War
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University in the years of the Great Patriotic WarI. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University is rich in history which reflects the history of our country. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War 46 University lecturers and 144 students volunteered for the front. Despite all the difficulties, the students graduated from I. Yakovlev University (which was named “Pedagogical Institute” at that time) even then.
June 23
Due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there began the mobilization of the Institute’s teaching staff and students to the front.
July 15
The university professors evacuated from the western regions of the country began lecturing at the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute.
August 18
At the order of the Institute Director, the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute started two-month courses for nurses.
September 7
A. V. Khrustalev, Director of the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute, sent the telegram to the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR: “I am off at the front. Bokarev has taken over the Institute.”
September 9
The Council of People's Commissars of the Chuvash ASSR adopted the resolution “On the Location of the Chuvash Agricultural Institute”. In connection with the placement of military units in the building of the Agricultural Institute, the Council of People's Commissars enacted: “The Chuvash Pedagogical Institute is to place the Chuvash Agricultural Institute in its building and to provide the latter with 9 classrooms for special laboratories, a library, and 5 rooms for administrative personnel. All the other rooms are to be used together. "
October 22
The resolution “On the Location of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute in Mariinsky Posad” stated: “The parts of the first signal regiment are to be quartered in the educational building (except for the gymnasium) and the two stone buildings of the hostels of the Pedagogical”. The Chuvash Pedagogical Institute was accommodated in all the hostels, educational buildings, the club, office premises and the canteen of the Forest Technical College, as well as the House of Socialist Culture in Marposad.
November 17
The Council issued Evacuation Order: “The proposal of Somov, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Chuvash ASSR, and Charykov, Secretary of the Regional Committee of the CPSU, on providing the People's Commissariat for Industry with the premises of the Cheboksary Pedagogical Institute to house the production of special electrical equipment is to be accepted.” The premises were taken by the Kharkov Electromechanical Plant that had been evacuated in Cheboksary.
November 9 - December 20
Since November 9 all the students, teaching staff, and workers were mobilized for special construction.
More than 250 students and teachers participated in the construction of defensive fortifications on the Sura defensive line and the Kazan fortification.

February 5
In wartime conditions, 83 fourth-year students had to graduate early and all of them were sent to work in schools.
From the memorandum report "On the results of the work of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute in the first half of the 1941/42 academic year."
"... 197 people were admitted to the Pedagogical Institute in August 1941; 208 were admitted to the Teacher Training Institute, 405 people in total. On September 1, the Pedagogical Institute consisted of 495 people, 325 studied in the Teacher Training Institute, and there were 823 students in total. 54 people were accepted in the first half of the year, 504 students were expelled, among them 11 were transferred to other universities, 64 people joined the Red Army, 168 were expelled due to academic failure and for other reasons, 116 left the Institute for family reasons, 67 dropped out self-willingly, 86 graduated, 3 took an academic leave. By the end of the first half of the year, there were 141 students enrolled at the Pedagogical Institute, and 143 students at the Teacher Training Institute. ”
October 1
620 students, including 400 first-year students, were supposed to begin their studies at the Pedagogical and Teacher Training Institutes, but only 312 students turned up, including 227 freshmen. Most of the absentee students were assigned to work in the schools of the Republic.

From the report on the work of the Institute for the year.
All the students, teachers and institute workers actively participated in social and political events. More than 10 thousand rubles were collected for gifts for the soldiers for the 25th anniversary of the Red Army, 10 different voluntary work Sundays were organized, and more than 5 thousand rubles were sent to the Defense Fund. About 3 thousand rubles were collected for the construction of the armored train "Komsomolets of Chuvashia", about 4 thousand rubles were raised for warm clothes for the soldiers of the Red Army.

The staff of the Chuvash Pedagogical and Teacher Training Institute sent a telegram to Joseph V. Stalin, the Chairman of the State Defense Committee, which said: Students, scientists, teachers and workers of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute, inspired by the victories of the Red Army, want to help to defeat the German invaders in every way possible, and collected and contributed 100,033 rubles from their personal savings for the production of military equipment. Let our modest contribution to the defense of our beloved Motherland hasten the victory of our Army ...”
In response to the telegram of the Institute workers, the Chairman of the State Defense Committee Joseph V. Stalin sent a telegram of gratitude: “... I send the friendly greetings and thanks of the Red Army to the students, scientists, teachers and workers of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute who collected 100,033 rubles for the construction of military equipment. J. Stalin”.
October 25
The resolution on the return of the Chuvash State Pedagogical and Teacher Training Institute from Marposad to Cheboksary was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the Chuvash ASSR. The educational buildings and hostels of the institute, which were not occupied by production and hospitals, were to be returned by 1of January 1945 to be used by the Institute.

From the book "The Firstborn of Higher Education in the Chuvash Republic".
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации