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Главная страница » Новости на английском » The winners of the festival “CHSPU Student Spring Talent Show – 2019” went on a sightseeing tour in Saint Petersburg
The winners of the festival “CHSPU Student Spring Talent Show – 2019” went on a sightseeing tour in Saint Petersburg
The winners of the festival “CHSPU Student Spring Talent Show – 2019” went on a sightseeing tour in Saint PetersburgThe winner of the festival “CHSPU Student Spring Talent Show – 2019”, the on-stage performance group of the Faculty of Art and Music Education, was rewarded with a trip to Saint Petersburg for being first in the festival.
Svetlana Petrova, fourth-year student.

I’ve been dreaming of a trip to Saint Petersburg for all my life, and I am very pleased that my first visit to the northern capital turned out to be just like that.
We had an eventful programme. For the three days we managed to go on a sightseeing tour around the city, in Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof, the Hermitage Museum, the Summer Garden, and a night boating. We also had some to see the sights of Saint Petersburg independently.
St. Petersburg is an amazing city the value of which is beyond compare. It is absolutely unique, charming and fascinating. It is a city of bascule bridges, canals and fountains, beautiful architecture.
I feel grateful to the university for such a wonderful trip. I literally fall in love with St. Petersburg and I am looking forward to visit it again.

Igor Gusev, third-year student.
The tour was great. An hours-long trip, traffic jams and fatigue were worth the words “We have arrived in St. Petersburg!” The architecture of the city is literally stunning.
We had a three-hour sightseeing tour about the northern capital, during which we visited Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Strelka, Kazan Cathedral, Palace Square.
Tsarskoye Selo and Pushkino are the very places where you can get immersed in the history of our country and stroll along the streets where the famous people used to walk.
At night, we had a nice boating. Cool wind and river waves create some specific atmosphere. Sailing under the bridges at night, you feel you are in a fairy-tale. The white nights revealed a completely new Saint Petersburg to us. And, the highlight of the night walk was the St. Petersburg Bridge raising.
The next day had a vigorous excursion to Peterhof, where the northern winds of the Gulf of Finland instantly woke us up after a sleepless night. It is the world’s largest fountain complex of various shapes and sizes. Everyone in our group liked fountain crackers a lot. These are the fountains that go off at the most unexpected moment.
After Peterhof we had free time. Some of us chose to visit the Academy of Arts, others wanted to take a closer look at St. Isaac’s Cathedral, while the rest went to see the modern buildings and exhibitions, and, of course, there were those who preferred to take a walk along the streets, getting inspired by the spirit of freedom and cleanliness of the city.
On the last day we visited the Winter Palace and the Summer Garden. The Winter Palace is the main building of the most famous museum in Russia. Over 3 million exhibits and 9 buildings are all the Hermitage. There is nothing more exciting for inspiring students than visiting the Winter Palace. The great art collection consists of the heritage not only of Russia, but also of Italy, Spain, and Holland. This is sure to be the most unforgettable travel for us.
After visiting the Winter Palace, it was really cool to take a walk about the Summer Garden. In our opinion, it is the best place in the city to escape from the bustle of the city and enjoy the singing of birds and the atmosphere.
I would like to thank I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University for the chance to visit Saint Petersburg.

Photos by the students of the Faculty of Art and Music Education

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