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Главная страница » Новости на английском » The Best Graduate of 2019 Graduation Ceremony at Yakovlev University
The Best Graduate of 2019 Graduation Ceremony at Yakovlev University
The Best Graduate of 2019 Graduation Ceremony at Yakovlev UniversityJune 27, I. Yakovlev University held a graduation ceremony for 50 best graduates of the Pedagogical University in 2019. This year 578 people have completed their full-time studies at the university. The best of these students have been honored at this ceremony. They have achieved significant success in educational, scientific, social, creative and sports activities at the university, in the Republic and in Russia.
Vladimir Ivanov, President of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, opened the ceremony. He addressed his words of gratitude to the university teachers and graduates' parents, who came to congratulate their children on finishing the educational marathon at the pedagogical university. “I thank you for bearing the title of a pedagogical university student with honor, and I am sure that you will worthily bear the title of Yakovlev University Graduate. We are proud of you! I wish you all the best, happiness and success,” Vladimir Nikolaevich heartily congratulated the graduates.
Vyacheslav Rafinov, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and National Affairs of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, began his speech with the congratulations on the Youth Day of Russia. “The year of 1958 was remarkable for the pedagogical institute. That year the university was named after Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev and the country began to celebrate the Day of Soviet Youth, which later became the Day of Youth in Russia, the same year. Vyacheslav Viktorovich wished the graduates to be as successful in their professional activities as they were in their studies at the pedagogical university.
Svetlana Ilyina, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Olga Lukicheva, Vice-Rector for Educational and Social Affairs, Olga Meshkova, Head of the Educational and Social Work Department, congratulated the graduates, their teachers and parents. In response, the graduates also thanked the university professors, their fellow students and the Alma Mater, where they spent the best years of studies.

Maria Savelyeva
, Faculty of Foreign Languages.
I am grateful to my beloved university, which has become my home for five years. I am grateful to my faculty and teachers, who helped me to achieve success and, as a result, get the title of Best Graduate of Yakovlev University. I have become purposeful and determined over the years of study at the university. I would have never imagined that I could become a scholarship holder for creative aspirations and have an internship in Germany.
I will remember these years with warmth. I will miss my teachers and fellow students. You know, I already miss doing homework! But I understand that there is a new way and life ahead. I am glad my university opened this way for me. I plan to work at school. Practical work at school helped me realize that I can cope with teaching. I hope I will succeed. I am eager to work!

Evgeny Vasilyev, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.
I am very glad that I once entered this university, and now I am graduating. It is difficult to realize that the years of study have already passed. I want to wish current students to be more creative in life. I am going to work as a primary school teacher!

Vitalina Shestakova, Faculty of Chuvash and Russian Philology.
I thank the University for a huge amount of opportunities for development. Special thanks to Studclub and Studcongress, which helped me to show myself.

Ekaterina Bobrova, Faculty of Physical Education.

Thanks to all those who were with me during these years. We did what we like. I wish graduates to be able to realize their potential. “Choose Yakovlev University!” this is my special wish to applicants. Only here you will get so many opportunities to express yourselves.
Studcongress was a bright part of my student life. This is a group of like-minded people who will always support you, who are full of ideas and enthusiasm. I am going to start my teaching career at the educational center Sirius in Sochi.

Yuri Arlanov, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
Thanks to the teachers and the educational department for being patient with us, for loving us and for believing in us. We will not let you down!

Anastasia Lukina, Faculty of Chuvash and Russian Philology.

I have developed greatly for this period of five years. I want to thank the University for the people I met here. I learned to work hard, to be determined and committed to the goal. I am in the first year and I am in the fifth year – these are two different persons, of course. Then I was not so diligent, but now there is an inner core and confidence in me. I have not yet decided on the place of work, because the choice is very difficult. I would like to try myself at school, but I would also like to try something different, as it is important for me to improve myself, develop and change.

Almaz Muratov, Faculty of Physical Education.
I want to thank the university for being awarded the title of the Best University Graduate of 2019. After graduation I am leaving for Turkmenistan. But here I have met very close friends. Chuvashia will remain in my heart forever!

Photo by A. Isaev

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