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Главная страница » Новости на английском » Winners of the Regional Contest “Teacher of the Future” are Determined
Winners of the Regional Contest “Teacher of the Future” are Determined
Winners of the Regional Contest “Teacher of the Future” are DeterminedOn October 9th the finals of the regional competition of professional skill of future teachers "Teacher of the Future" were held at I. Yakovlev University.
Svetlana Ilyina, the Vice-rector for Educational work, and Zinaida Stepanova, the Chairman of the Chuvash Republican Organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation opened the meeting and greeted the contestants.
The initial round of the contest was attended by 25 future teachers representing the Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Mari State University, Minin
Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University. Nine of them became finalists of the contest and took part in three competitive examinations. Each participant introduced himself to an imaginary class, met with students and tried to interest them in the subject in the first part of the “Hello, I am your new teacher!” contest.
In the second part of the “Pedagogical quiz” contest, the participants demonstrated knowledge of quotes of some famous teachers who made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogical science and education, as well as proverbs and sayings.
Then there was the “Nonfictional Stories” contest, within which each contestant was asked to resolve the pedagogical situation dramatized by the members of the University team of the
Club of the Funny and Inventive. The performances of the contestants were evaluated by the jury which included Roza Glyakina, Honorary Worker of general education of the Russian Federation, Honored Teacher of the Chuvash Republic, Music Teacher in school No. 9 of Cheboksary, Evgenia Shogleva, the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Teacher of the Cheboksary Professional College named after N.V. Nikolsky, Alexei Lyakhov, Deputy Director of Secondary School No. 11 in Cheboksary, Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, Winner of the II regional competition “Teacher of the Future” (2012), Tatyana Osokina, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy at ChSPU.

Winners in the nominations:
Olga Sofronova, 3rd year student of the ChSPU named after I. Yakovlev (Cheboksary), Faculty of Technology and Economics  “Pedagogical creativity”;
Andrey Bazhanov, 3rd year student of the Mari SU (Yoshkar-Ola), Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism  “Pedagogical Search”;
Dilyar Vakhitov, 4th year student of the ChSPU named after I. Yakovlev (Cheboksary), Faculty of Art and Music Education  “Pedagogical charisma”;
Maria Kuznetsova, 4th year student of the ChSPU named after I. Yakovlev (Cheboksary), Faculty of Psychology and Education  “Pedagogical culture”.
The winners of the regional contest of professional skills of future teachers "Teacher of the Future":
3rd place  Daria Lisavina, Mari SU (Yoshkar-Ola), Faculty of General and Professional Education, 4th year student;
3rd place  Kirill Smirnov, NSPU named after K. Minin (Nizhny Novgorod), Faculty of Humanities, 5th year student;
2nd place  Natalya Chigarova, ChSPU named after I. Yakovlev (Cheboksary), Faculty of Natural Science Education, 5th year student;
2nd place  Anna Kuzmina, ChSPU named after I. Yakovlev (Cheboksary), Faculty of Chuvash and Russian Philology, 5th year student;
1st place  Olga Katushenko, NSPU named after K. Minin (Nizhny Novgorod), Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, 2nd year student.

Congratulations to the winners, we wish you professional and creative success!

October 10, 2019
Photo by A. Kirillov (ChSPU MediaCenter)
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации