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Главная страница » Новости на английском » 55th Anniversary of Music and Pedagogics Faculty
55th Anniversary of Music and Pedagogics Faculty
55th Anniversary of Music and Pedagogics FacultyOn November 8, I. Yakovlev celebrated the 55th anniversary of Faculty of Arts and Music Education. The celebration brought together the retired pedagogical workers, students, teachers, and graduates of Music and Pedagogics Faculty.
Svetlana Viktorovna Ilyina, Prorector for Academic Affairs, gave a welcome speech: “55 years is quite a period. During that period, the faculty teaching staff have developed the traditions that our graduatesspread throughout the world. Today, the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics is the center for the development of musical culture, methodological support, and it is also the center for music education. But, first of all, the faculty is its people, who 55 years ago decided to organize the faculty, and throughout its history have supported the material and technical, and personnel base. These are outstanding contemporary musicians, whose work determined the development of the musical culture of the ChuvashRepublic over the past 50 years. These are the people who came to the faculty 55 years ago and still remain faithful to their music and teaching profession, because there are no former musicians and there are no former teachers. ”

Georgy Nikolayevich Grigoryev, Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Rector of Yakovlev University (from 1999 to 2011) delivered the following felicitation speech: “Both teachers, graduates of the faculty, and students who have yet to work are real doers, professionals in their field. Each of them is a personality. Today I saw that the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics fulfills its mission: it educates those people that our country needs. It’s hard to imagine a school without music teachers as they provide the atmosphere. I wish everyone good health, and long live the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics! ”

Kirill Nikolayevich Pavlov, Acting Deputy Minister of Culture, Nationalities and Archival Affairs of the Chuvash Republic, congratulated the Faculty on the anniversary.
Anatoly Ilyich Kibech, Honored Worker of Culture of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, spoke on behalf of the first graduates of theFacultyof Music and Pedagogics: “We thank all the teachers who helped us choose this path.”

The following on-stage performance groups, lecturers and students of the Faculty, graduates, as well as the groups led by graduates of the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics gave performances: the Orchestra of Folk Instruments “Perezvony” under T.Lukashevich,Honored Worker of Culture of the Chuvash Republic; third-grade choir of “Secondary School No. 9” under R.Glyakina,Honored Teacher of the Chuvash Republic, Teacher of the Highest Category;the choir“Tuslakh” of the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth “Rostock” under E. Danilova,Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation; children’s folklore ensemble “Pilesh” under N. Vasilyeva and I. Vasiliev;ensemble “Serving the Fatherland”, the laureate of the international and national competitions; the choir of teachers of the city of Cheboksary under the guidance of E. Danilova,Honored Worker ofEducation of the Russian Federation;PetrNikitin, Teacher of the Highest Category, Music Teacher of Batyrev High School No. 1, Honored Worker of Culture of Chuvashia;Yu.Trepov,Honored Artist of Russia and People’s Artist of Chuvashia; P. Zalomnov, People’s Artist of Russia and Chuvashia.
That festive evening the audience applauded to the soloists of the Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater, the Honored Artists of Chuvashia Tatyana Prytchenkova, Tatyana Toybakhtina, VasilyNikolaev, and Anatoly RomanovichKanyuki; the Laureate of the All-Russian competitions the ensemble “JurayChechek” (leader - Professor Z. Kozlova, accompanist - E.Kirillov, Honored Worker of Culture of Chuvashia); the ensemble “Kaleidoscope” of the Cheboksary Children’s Music School named after V. Vorobyova (leader - N. Seregina, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, accompanist - G.Kazantseva, Honored Artist of Chuvashia); YuliaChirzha, fourth-year student; the ensemble “Silver Microphone” of the Novocheboksarsk Children’s Arts School (leader -Yu. Borisova, Head of the EstradeDepartment); the vocal-choral ensemble “Oriole” (leader - Professor I. Medvedeva).
The song titled “A Song Stays with a Man” composed by A. Ostrovskyculminated the festive evening. The performance of the song united the entire hall into a large, friendly choir of Music and Pedagogics Faculty.

November 11, 2019

Photo by A. Yandutkina (ChSPU Media Center)
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации