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Главная страница » Новости на английском » CHSPU Team Takes Part in the II All-Russian Pedagogical Hackathon ‘Teachers of the Future’
CHSPU Team Takes Part in the II All-Russian Pedagogical Hackathon ‘Teachers of the Future’
CHSPU Team Takes Part in the II All-Russian Pedagogical Hackathon ‘Teachers of the Future’On November 21- 24, the II All-Russian Pedagogical Hackathon ‘Teachers of the Future’ was held at the Chechen State Pedagogical University. 19 teams representing higher educational institutions of Russia took part in it. The CHSPU team included Associate Professor T.V. Osokina, 4th year students of the Faculty of History, Management and Law and the Faculty of Art and Music Education - Ekaterina Abrzhina, Elena Antonova, Tatyana Kazenova and Igor Gusev. E. G. Khrisanova, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy, lead the team.
The hackathon participants attended the following visionary lectures: ‘Education-2039’, ‘Competences of the Future. The Role of Learning in Their Development ‘, ’5 Challenges of Digital Transformation of Education: Do Schools and Universities Have a Future?’, ‘ Digital Transformation of Education: From Digitalization to Personalization, or ‘Learning is Fun!’, ‘Human Evolution’, ‘Unified System of Evaluation of the Quality of Education in the Russian Federation’ and ‘Startups in Education’.
The teams were given 10 topics for further project work. The topics were auctioned to the teams.
The team of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University together with the team of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy Department of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “V. Vernadsky KFU" (Yalta) worked on the topic ‘Trajectories of the Future’. Students developed a design solution for the development of individual student trajectories. The team proposed a mobile application project as a design solution for the development and implementation of the individual educational trajectory of students. The goal of such a mobile application is the implementation of the individual educational path of a university through the creation of a mobile application, which will unite students, employers and tutors in one educational space.
Ekaterina Abrzhina: “I would like to emphasize the importance of various pedagogical competitions for the professional development of future teachers. Participation in such events allows students to develop competencies, the so-called soft skills. It should also be emphasized that such events are an excellent platform for further cooperation of future teachers and an excellent base for students' project work”.
Tatyana Kazenova: “The pedagogical hackathon was useful to me in terms of teamwork. I believe that the hackathon helped me to develop the skills of innovative thinking, the ability to anticipate risks, and also taught me how to assess the relevance of the proposed ideas and the possibility of their implementation".
Igor Gusev: “I learned a lot about the development and implementation of modern technologies in the pedagogical process not only in Russia but also abroad. In future, using the knowledge that I gained at the hackathon, I plan to promote and implement digital technologies in the world of pedagogy, a world that is full of wonders and magic”.
Elena Antonova: “A very beautiful city, hospitality of local people, informative visionary lectures. I learned to think in the format of project work, I learned the algorithm of project from beginning to end. I now have many ideas for future projects”.

November 29, 2019
Photos from the participant’s archives

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