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Главная » Новости на английском » Mikhail Ignatyev: “There is a Demand for Qualified Specialists. Our Objective is to Have Them Trained at our Universities”
Mikhail Ignatyev: “There is a Demand for Qualified Specialists. Our Objective is to Have Them Trained at our Universities”
Mikhail Ignatyev: “There is a Demand for Qualified Specialists. Our Objective is to Have Them Trained at our Universities”On December 5, the Head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev took part in a round table discussion “Improvement of Employer-sponsored Education System as the Way of Human Resources Development in the Chuvash Republic”, which was held in Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
Prior to the event, the Head of the Republic examined the university’s scientific library. “We have the richest library in the Chuvash Republic. There are rare encyclopedias and modern editions in it. All readers have access to these resources,” said Vladimir Ivanov, Rector of the Pedagogical University.
The library employs digital technologies in its work. Thanks to the campus card, which is, on the one hand, a cash replacement tool and, on the other hand, an electronic medium for the information profile of students, employees and lecturers, the procedure for servicing library readers has been greatly simplified.
Opening the roundtable, Mikhail Ignatyev congratulated everyone on Volunteer Day. “I sincerely congratulate all concerned, active, purposeful, talented students. I express my gratitude to you for your treating volunteer activity responsibly. You participate in significant events, demonstrate your skills and professionalism. I hope that the Chuvash State Pedagogical University will be a leader in the volunteer movement,” said the Head of Chuvashia.
He noted the urgency of the event. “There is a demand for qualified specialists. And our objective is to have them trained at our universities. We create all conditions for the effective work of lecturers. Both in rural areas and in urban districts, we open new modern, innovative kindergartens and schools with elements of digitalization. That means that you have good prospects,” stated Mikhail Ignatyev.
Every year about 700 specialists graduate from Yakovlev University. However, not everyone pursues the profession. According to the Republican Vacancies Bank of the Chuvash Republic, as of December 1, 2019, 408 positions remain vacant.
Sergey Kudryashov, Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic, said that currently the share of young teachers, who are under 35, in the republic is more than 17%. He also dwelled on various measures of social support for young teachers, such as cash benefits, special scholarships for creative aspiration, payments to young families and young specialists for construction of housing in rural areas and more. Moreover, a number of municipalities have taken additional support measures.
Particular attention is paid to talented youth. So, since 1996, State Youth Prizes of the Chuvash Republic have been awarded. These prizes were awarded to 186 young citizens, including young teachers, in eight directions.
In addition, a support system for innovative teachers has been created in the republic. Any young, efficiently working young teacher may join the system.
From January 1, 2020, the implementation of “Zemsky Teacher” program starts. The teachers, who will go to work in rural schools, as well as in working villages and small towns, will receive 1 million rubles each.
During an open discussion, they discussed the implementation of vocational guidance of school graduates and the employment of university graduates. Undoubtedly, a mentor plays an important role in the formation of a young teacher as a professional. Aleksey Egorov, Teacher of Physics and Computer Science of “Kugessky Lyceum” in the Cheboksary district, shared his mentoring experience.
Aleksandr Grigoryev, History Teacher of “Secondary Comprehensive School No. 45” in Cheboksary, also shared his view on the subject. The young teacher came to study in Chuvashia, graduated from the University here and stayed in the republic despite the perspective of getting a well-paid position in his native Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
“The city itself keeps me here. I do not want to move either back to the North or to Moscow. I like the school I work in. We have a well-established system of adaptation and professional development. I am supervised by a specialist, and it a great help for me,” admitted Aleksandr Grigoryev.
“You are sure to be a patriot of Chuvashia. Some of our residents, on the contrary, are leaving for Yamal to earn good money. And you stayed here. Thank you very much for your concern, for your work. You have a great future,” Mikhail Ignatyev supported the young teacher.

Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University is the first higher educational institution of the republic. Since 1930, more than 56 thousand specialists have graduated from it. Currently, there are 10 faculties and about 5 thousand full-time, part-time students, students of evening classes there. The university implements 118 major professional educational programs.
The university cooperates with 70 leading research centers and educational institutions of Russia, near and far-abroad countries. Over the past three years, the students and lecturers have implemented the internship programs in Slovakia, Germany and France. The University signed the agreement on the academic mobility of students and lecturers with Guizhou Pedagogical University (PRC), and the agreements with the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University and the Chuvash State Institute of Humanities.
An important indicator of professional growth of University students is their achievements in the All-Russian Olympiads in various disciplines, in professional skill contests, and in research activities. Every year, ChSPU students win scholarships of the President of Russia, Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the Chuvash Republic, Head of the city of Cheboksary, become laureates of the State Youth Prize of the Chuvash Republic and other prestigious competitions. The University has established a special scholarship for extrabudgetary students.
According to the monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University is recognized as an effective university for the seventh consecutive year.

Press Service of the Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic

December 5, 2019
Photo by A. Isaev
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации