» Контакты
Главный корпус ЧГПУ
Адрес: 428000, Чувашская Республика, г. Чебоксары, ул. К. Маркса, 38 Карта проезда
Телефон приемной ректора: (8352) 22-21-47
E-mail: rektorat@chgpu.edu.ru
Interpreters’ Day 2019 at the Faculty of Foreign languages
The competition “I am an interpreter” dedicated to the International Interpreters’ Day took place at the Faculty of Foreign languages on the 30th of September. Every year the 4th year students of the translation department prepare an educational and entertaining event for students of the Faculty of Foreign languages. They prepared various linguistic contests and tasks for the teams and spectators: dubbing of movie fragments in English, interpretation from English into Russian, “guess the country by its flag”, “guess the song translated using Google Translate”, etc. The future interpreters demonstrated their best skills and qualities during the event. The jury was represented by the professors of the Department of English philology translation studies, namely: N.Y. Shugaeva, E.N. Gromova, N.S. Kurnikova, E.N. Zasetskova, E.N. Mozzhegorova. The atmosphere of the event was friendly, full of joy and positivity!
XXXVIII Open Tourist Rally of the CHSPU Tourist Club «Nadezhda»
Last weekend, on the right bank of the Varlamovka River, the XXXVIIIth open tourist rally was organized by the I. Yakovlev CHSPU “Nadezhda” tourist. 18 teams that represent I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, I. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, and Secondary School No. 55, Cheboksary, took part in the event and competed for the title of the winner. For three days the participants of the tourist rally competed and improved their hiking technique (rope town), water tourism technique, wayfinding at night and cycling tourism technique. There was also a cooking competition, a team presentation contest, competition of captains, a round in theory of tourism, and an ecological competition.
Another Group of Chinese Students Arrived at I. Yakovlev CHSPU
The Russian-Chinese relations between the I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University and Guizhou Normal University (People's Republic of China) are actively developed. In accordance with the Agreement on the exchange of students and teachers from CHSPU and GNU, five Chinese students arrived at CHSPU, with three more to join them in October. During one academic year, they will study Russian, the Russian literature and social studies, as well as get acquainted with the rich centuries-old culture of the Chuvash people. Upon arrival, the exchange students were met by Elena Sukhova, Head of the Center for Chinese Language and Culture of CHSPU, and students of our university who learn Chinese.
New Study Room for the Center of Chinese Language and Culture
October 1, the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev University held the grand opening of the new classroom of the Center of Chinese Language and Culture. The event is timed to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Yakovlev University rector Professor Vladimir Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic Alexey Guryev, Head of the Cheboksary branch of the representative office of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Nizhny Novgorod Alexander Pogodeykin congratulated everybody on this significant event. The head of the Chinese Language and Culture Center, Elena Sukhova, made a report on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The opening ceremony was attended by students of the Pedagogical University, studying the Chinese language, university teachers, staff, guests. The participants of the event enjoyed the performance of students from ...
An Annual Athletics Cross of Teachers and Employees of ChSPU
On September 28, a traditional cross of teachers and employees of I. Yakovlev University for the prizes of the administration, the trade union committee of the university and the sports club was held at the stadium of the educational building number 6. The sports festival was opened by the ChSPU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Svetlana Ilyina and the director of the sports club Nikolai Anisimov. Competitions began with a VIP race, in which the university senior officials, deans of faculties and university veterans took part. Then races by age categories and a children's race took place. Men competed at a distance of 1000 meters, women – 500 meters, children – 250 meters. According to the results of the competition in the team event, the first place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, the second place went to the team of the Faculty of Physical Education, the team of the Faculty of Technology and Economics ranked third.
On September 26, the students of the Faculty of Technology and Economics of the Chuvash Pedagogical University in the framework of the autumn sanitary-ecological campaign cleaned of the territory of Chapaev Square of Cheboksary. They scavenged dry branches, fallen leaves, garbage. On September 27, the students of the Faculty of Arts and Music Education joined this environmental campaign and cleaned the territory of Republic Square. Pedagogical University students traditionally take part in environmental campaigns. You are welcome to join the environmental campaign! Together we will make our city clean and smart.
On September 27, I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University hosted the international scientific-practical conference “Ethnopedagogical Guidelines in Multicultural Educational Environment as the Basis for the Formation of Ethnic Tolerance.” The conference was organized by the Research Institute of Ethnopedagogics named after Academician of the RAS G. N. Volkov with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the conference is to analyze and discuss the problems and prospects of ethnopedagogcs as a branch of science, the methods of studying ethnopedagogics in terms of theory and practice of modern education; the problems of intercultural relations and the preservation of ethnocultural values related to the issues of interpenetration and mutual influence of languages and cultures, preservation of national identity and the formation of ethnic tolerance in a multicultural environment.
ЧГПУ предоставлен тестовый доступ к коллекции школьных учебников из Федерального перечня для педагогических вузов
Научная библиотека ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева информирует о том, что до 3 ноября вузу предоставлен тестовый доступ к коллекции школьных учебников из Федерального перечня для педагогических вузов от «Электронной библиотечной системы «Айбукс". В коллекции представлены учебники от издательств «Русское слово» и «Владос». Помимо учебников доступны пособия из методического шлейфа. Просмотр книг возможен с компьютеров ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева. Сервисы ЭБС «Айбукс» дают вам возможность работать с книгой просто и удобно, а также использовать функцию цитирования для копирования и распечатки фрагментов текста.
В ЧГПУ обсудят актуальные вопросы современной филологии и методики преподавания иностранных языков
Уважаемые коллеги.Факультет иностранных языков Чувашского государственного педагогического университета имени И. Я. Яковлева приглашает вас принять участие в XVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы современной филологии и методики преподавания иностранных языков: направления и тенденции современных исследований» (РИНЦ), которая состоится 17 октября 2019 года. К участию в конференции приглашаются студенты старших курсов, магистранты, аспиранты, преподаватели и сотрудники вузов и общеобразовательных учреждений. По материалам конференции будут изданы сборники научных трудов с индексацией в РИНЦ. Рабочие языки конференции: ...
Объявлен прием на онлайн-курсы профессиональной переподготовки учителей начальных классов и воспитателей
День Учителя в ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева, 3 октября 2019
Профессору Л.В. Кузнецовой вручен нагрудный знак имени Геннадия Никандровича Волкова «За достижение в педагогике»
Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики высоко оценило заслуги доктора педагогических наук, профессора, заслуженного учителя Российской Федерации, основоположника научно-педагогической школы «Этнокультура в современной системе образования» Людмилы Васильевны Кузнецовой. Ей вручен нагрудный знак имени Геннадия Никандровича Волкова «За достижения в педагогике», соответствующий приказ подписал министр Сергей Кудряшов 02 октября 2019 г. (приказ № 01-нз). Людмила Васильевна стала первым ученым, удостоенным данной награды. Людмила Васильевна Кузнецова на протяжении многих лет ...
День Учителя в ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева
3 октября в Государственном русском драматическом театре состоялось торжественное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Учителя.С пожеланиями здоровья, благополучия и процветания к преподавателям и сотрудникам ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева обратился ректор педагогического университета, профессор Владимир Николаевич Иванов. С особой теплотой участники мероприятия поприветствовали Георгия Николаевича Григорьева – доктора педагогических наук, профессора, заслуженного учителя Чувашской Республики, Почетного работника высшего профессионального образования России, ...