» Контакты
Главный корпус ЧГПУ
Адрес: 428000, Чувашская Республика, г. Чебоксары, ул. К. Маркса, 38 Карта проезда
Телефон приемной ректора: (8352) 22-21-47
E-mail: rektorat@chuvgpu.ru
Состоялось очередное заседание ученого совета педагогического университета
Сегодня, 25 октября, состоялось очередное заседание ученого совета педагогического университета.В начале заседания ректор Владимир Николаевич Иванов поздравил с присвоением ученого звания доцента по научной специальности 13.00.08 «Теория и методика профессионального образования» доцента кафедры иностранных языков Кордон Т.А., а также доцентов кафедры романо-германской филологии Гордееву Н.Г. и Зейнутдинову Э.Ш. и вручил им аттестаты; вручил Грамоту Таймасовой Р.М., занявшей III место во II Спартакиаде КСП Профсоюза в рамках Всероссийского семинара-совещания ...
Приглашаем студентов и ученых ЧГПУ к участию в федеральном проекте ПРОФСТАЖИРОВКА
Приглашаем студентов ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева, научных руководителей обучающихся принять активное участие в подпрограмме Профстажировка федерального проекта «Социальные лифты для каждого», которая реализуется с 1 января 2019 г. Цель и показатели федерального проекта – создание для талантливой молодежи возможностей для профессионального и карьерного роста путем формирования к 2024 году системы профессиональных конкурсов. Проект Профстажировки – это совместный проект АНО «Россия – страна возможностей» и Общероссийского народного фронта. Проект создает новый механизм взаимодействия работодателей и студентов вузов,..
Заседание ученого совета педагогического университета, 25 октября 2019
Евгения Захарченко выступит на первенстве мира по спортивной борьбе
С 28 октября по 3 ноября в Будапеште (Венгрия) пройдет первенство мира U23 по спортивной борьбе. В составе сборной России на соревнованиях выступит воспитанница чувашской школы спортивной борьбы, студентка 4 курса факультета истории, управления и права Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И.Я. Яковлева Евгения Захарченко. Е. Захарченко – мастер спорта международного класса по спортивной борьбе, чемпионка Европы среди юниоров 2018 г., призер первенства мира среди юниоров.
Приглашаем на курсы профессионального обучения «Портной»
Технолого-экономический факультет ЧГПУ им. И. Я. Яковлева приглашает на курсы профессионального обучения «Портной».Начало занятий – ноябрь 2019 г. Длительность курса – 3 месяца (2 раза в неделю). Стоимость обучения – 4500-5000 рублей. Требование к обучающимся – наличие среднего образования. По окончании курса обучения выдается Свидетельство. По всем вопросам обращаться в деканат технолого-экономического факультета. Адрес: Президентский бульвар 19А (учебный корпус № 5, кабинет 219).
Студенты ЧГПУ приняли участие в Фестивале актуального научного кино
С 21 по 24 октября Национальная библиотека Чувашской Республики стала площадкой для проведения Фестиваля актуального научного кино (ФАНК), который был организован совместно с кафедрой информатики и информационно-коммуникационных технологий Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Я. Яковлева. Фестиваль собрал 660 студентов из Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Я. Яковлева, Чебоксарского института Московского политехнического университета, Чебоксарского филиала РАНХиГС, Чебоксарских техникумов строительства и городского хозяйства, технологии питания и коммерции, читателей библиотеки...
FFL Students and Teachers Meet Kristin Tytgut, Translator and Interpreter of the European Parliament
 On October 21,the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University hosted a meeting with Kristin Tytgut, a practicing translator and interpreter of the European Parliament, a teacher at the Free University of Brussels, and a polyglot. The event was held in the framework of the XXIV International Festival of Languages and the NAUKA0 + Festival. Kristin began the meeting with students and professors with the theoretical aspects of translation, reminding the students of the existence of different types of interpretation - simultaneous, consecutive, paragraph-phrase, one-way and two-way. The students learned about the types of interpretation used in the European Parliament and what qualifications an international level translator should have. The listeners asked Kristin questions about her experience in learning foreign languages (her native language is Dutch, and she is fluent in Russian, English, French, German and even Esperanto).
Welcome to the FFL Literary Club ‘Izba-Chitalnya’
 On October 18, a regular session of the FFL literary club ‘Izba-Chitalnya’ took place at the Resource Center of the faculty. This time the session was dedicated to the debut novel of the modern Russian author Guzel Yakhina ‘Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes’. The participants shared their opinions about the novel, about common and private history in the novel, about wise and strong people who survived the horrors of collectivization and war, and managed not to lose the ability to love and sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. The literary club has existed at the Faculty of Foreign Languages since 2015. The club was organized byCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation Studies N. S. Kurnikova. The club participants agree on the book in advance and meet once a fortnight to discuss it.
The XXIV International Language Festival at Yakovlev University
On October 20, the International Language Festival took place at the ChSPU. Polyglots and linguists from different countries, professors and teachers of foreign languages, students and schoolchildren, and all those who like to study languages and cultures, gather annually at the festival. The project was organized by Language for Success School of Foreign Languages , Sodruzhestvo Volunteer Center, Haval Chuvash Initiative Group and the Faculty of Foreign Languages of ChSPU. More than 30 languages were represented at the event, which was held in the framework of the NAUKA 0+ science festival. These include Finnish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Chechen, and even such a rare language as Aleutian. The guests also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the sign language and the Braille script. Presentations were conducted by experienced linguists and polyglots, as well as native speakers.
CHSPU Best Driver Contest
The Best Driver contest took place at Yakovlev University in order to popularize the system of high-quality professional training and retraining of vehicle drivers. The organizer of the contest, which was held within the framework of the NAUKA 0+ science festival, was the Faculty of Technology and Economics. The participants demonstrated knowledge of the road traffic rules, the construction of a car, first aid treatment in the intramural stage of the contest, and then the skills of high-speed maneuvering at a specialized site. The winners of the competition are:1st place - R. Komissarov, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, 2nd place - M. Yatrushev, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
The Scientific and Sirius Educational Center is the Place to Gain New Knowledge
 CHSPU Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Physics Elena Nikonova took advanced training courses on the program «Techniques for Working with Mathematically Gifted Students and the Development of Mathematical Abilities of Students». Only 22 people who passed the preliminary selection (solving some olympiad mathematical problems and the methodological part) received an invitation to the courses). Within the framework of the program, in the form of lectures, thematic conversations, group/independent/distance work, participants of the courses received the knowledge that enabled them to create a creative environment for supporting and accompanying gifted children; to develop teaching methods for solving problems of increased complexity in mathematics, to carry out high-quality training of students for various intellectual competitions;
Students of the Faculty of Physical Education Learned about Anti-doping Rules
October 17, an open lecture "Anti-Doping Rules" was delivered at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yakovlev University in the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Science Nauka0 +.Olga Bukina, Advisor to the Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Chuvash Republic, Instructor and methodologist of the Federal Center for Training of Sports Reserve of the Ministry of Sports of Russia for the Volga Federal District, told students and professors about the procedure of the doping control in Russia and the Chuvash Republic, the consequences of anti-doping rule violations and types of sanctions for athletes and staff. Anatoly Grigoryev, Deputy Director for Sports at Ignatyev Sports Training Center, Graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education in 2015, explained the anti-doping rules, rights and obligations of athletes and staff.
CHSPU Students Win the Regional Stage of the All-Russian ‘Leader of the XXI Century’ Contest
On October 15, the republican stage of the All-Russian contest of leaders and heads of youth non-governmental organizations ‘The Leader of the 21st Century’ took place in the CHSPU.The participants of the internal stage of the competition were 10 people who represented 6 youth non-governmental organizations. Representatives of Yakovlev University became the winners in the nominations: - ‘Leader of the youth non-governmental organization of the age 18-25’ - 1st place - Anna Kuzmina, Primary labor union student organization of CHSPU. - ‘Head of the youth non-governmental of the age 18-25’ - 1st place - Dilyara Vakhitova, Council of students «Student Congress of CHSPU». The winners will take part in the federal correspondence stage of the All-Russian competition «Leader of the 21st century»,