Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

Раҫҫей Федерацийĕн ҫут ĕҫ министертстви
И.Я. Яковлев ячĕллĕ Чăваш патшалăх
педагогика университечĕ
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации


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Главная страница » Материалы за 14.11.2019
Психолого-педагогический факультет приглашает на День открытых дверей
Психолого-педагогический факультет приглашает на День открытых дверей23 ноября 2019 года психолого-педагогический факультет ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева приглашает на День открытых дверей.
В программе:
• концерт;
• экскурсия по факультету;
• консультации по выполнению ЕГЭ по русскому языку и математике (кафедра ПиМНО);
• мастер-класс «Творческие способности учителя начальных классов» (кафедра ПиМНО);
• тренинг личностного роста «Я – в будущем» (кафедра ПиСП);..
Приглашаем к участию во Всероссийском Фестивале социальной рекламы «ART-START»
Приглашаем к участию во Всероссийском Фестивале социальной рекламы «ART-START»С 1 октября по 10 ноября 2019 года проводится Всероссийский Фестиваль социальной рекламы «ART-START».
Фестиваль ART.START– важный и значимый проект, способный привнести новые оригинальные идеи в решение социальных проблем, позволяющий представителям молодого поколения открыто выразить свои предложения и реализовать самые смелые проекты посредством рекламы! Приглашаем принять участие в конкурсе молодых людей, умеющих и любящих делать брандмауэры, видеоролики, фотографии, лонгриды, постеры, ...
55th Anniversary of Music and Pedagogics Faculty
55th Anniversary of Music and Pedagogics FacultyOn November 8, I. Yakovlev celebrated the 55th anniversary of Faculty of Arts and Music Education. The celebration brought together the retired pedagogical workers, students, teachers, and graduates of Music and Pedagogics Faculty.
Svetlana Viktorovna Ilyina, Prorector for Academic Affairs, gave a welcome speech: “55 years is quite a period. During that period, the faculty teaching staff have developed the traditions that our graduatesspread throughout the world. Today, the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics is the center for the development of musical culture, methodological support, and it is also the center for music education. But, first of all, the faculty is its people, who 55 years ago decided to organize the faculty, and throughout its history have supported the material and technical, and personnel base. These are outstanding contemporary musicians, whose work determined the development of the musical culture of the ChuvashRepublic over the past 50 years. These are the people who came to the faculty 55 years ago and still remain faithful to their music and teaching profession, because there are no former musicians and there are no former teachers. ”
Vera Lotkova was Awarded the Title "Master of Sports of Russia of International Class"
Vera Lotkova was Awarded the Title "Master of Sports of Russia of International Class"On November 7, 2019, the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov signed an order to award the sports title “Master of Sports of Russia of International Class”.
Vera Lotkova
, a student of the sports school of the Olympic Reserve No. 10, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of I. Yakovlev ChSPU was awarded the honorary title.
Vera Lotkova is a winner of the IV European Sambo Cup (Czech Republic), winner of the European Sambo Championship (Spain), winner of the Russian Youth Championship (Nizhny Novgorod Region), winner of the All-Russian student competition "Energy of Movement" (Moscow), winner of the International Tournament "President’s Cup Republic of Tatarstan ”, bronze medalist of the International Sambo Tournament (Nizhny Novgorod Region), etc.
Congratulations to Vera Lotkova and her coach, Honored Coach of Chuvashia Sergey Pegasov, with the honorary title.
Teachers of the Chuvash Republic Discussed Innovations in Education
Teachers of the Chuvash Republic Discussed Innovations in EducationGlobalization and cooperation are the main trends of modern world education. The role of the modern teacher is the mentor and organizer of the educational environment, which should teach the child to be ready to answer the challenges of the development of the world community in the future. November 7-8 ChSPU hosted the All-Russian Forum “Educators of Russia: Innovations in Education”. Within the framework of the forum, lectures and master classes were held on the most relevant topics on the organization of the educational process. The program of each day consisted of a plenary session and five working sections. In total, more than 20 seminars were held within the framework of the Forum. Practical lecturers worked in the business program, they not only shared their experience, but also taught how to prepare projects for implementation in educational organizations. On the first day of the Forum, preschool teachers were invited. Classes were held with the participants on the problems of working with children with disabilities, the development of creativity among preschoolers, the TRIZ library, etc.
The VI Regional Olympiad in Biology was held at CHSPU
The VI Regional Olympiad in Biology was held at CHSPUNovember 9 at the Faculty of Natural Science Education, as part of the Open Doors Day, hosted the VI Regional Olympiad in Biology among students of general and professional educational organizations. 248 students of grades 10-11 and students of professional educational organizations became participants in the Olympiad.
The students visited the zoological museum, got acquainted with the scientific schools of the faculty and modern equipment for conducting biological and medical experiments.
The winners of the Olympics received diplomas and commemorative prizes, participants received certificates. The results of participation in the Olympiad will be taken into account when entering the profile faculty of I. Yakovlev ChSPU. The winners and participants of the Olympiad will have the right to accrue additional points to the total points of the exam when entering the university: 3 points are awarded to winners, 1 point to participants.
ChSPU Sambo Wrestlers Succeeded at the All-Russian Competition among Students "Movement Energy"
ChSPU Sambo Wrestlers Succeeded at the All-Russian Competition among Students "Movement Energy"
On November 7, Moscow hosted the International Congress "History of Sambo", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Sambo. Within the framework of the congress, the All-Russian Sambo Competition among students “Energy of Movement” was held in the athletics arena of the stadium “Energy”, the participants of which were sambo students from Russian universities from 15 Russian Federation constituencies.
High results were shown by students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of ChSPU:
1st place - Vera Lotkova, 2nd year, high quality 56 kg
1st place - Stanislav Nikiforov, 4th year, military training 68 kg
2nd place - Natalya Agapova, 1 year, w / c 52 kg
CHSPU Students took part in "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" Festival
CHSPU Students took part in "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" FestivalOn the Day of National Unity, the VI Republican Festival of National Cultures "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" was held at the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Chuvash Republic. The holiday gathered people of different nationalities, religions and generations. Russians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvash, Arabs, Indians, Azerbaijanis, Turkmens, Pakistanis and representatives of other nationalities living in the republic united in a large interactive round dance on the square of the House of Friendship of Peoples.
The Turkmen choreographic ensemble "Nazenin" from I. Yakovlev ChSPU actively participated in the festival.
Within the framework of the festival, a tasting of dishes of national cuisine of different nations was held, an exposition of cultural and everyday objects of the peoples living in Chuvashia was launched.
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации