Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

Раҫҫей Федерацийĕн ҫут ĕҫ министертстви
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педагогика университечĕ
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации


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О юбилейных событиях вуза в очередном выпуске газеты "Педвузовец"
О юбилейных событиях вуза в очередном выпуске газеты "Педвузовец"Уважаемые читатели газеты "Педвузовец, вышел в свет очередной номер корпоративного издания педагогического университета. Он оказался богат на юбилейные обзоры: юбилей студенческого клуба, 55-летие основания музыкально-педагогического факультета, 85-летие доктора наук, профессора Геннадий Александровича Анисимова, 90 лет со дня рождения директора научной библиотеки ЧГПУ Дианы Константиновны Говш.
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Итоги блиц-викторины «ПЕДПОЕЗД 5+»
Итоги блиц-викторины «ПЕДПОЕЗД 5+»С 22 октября по 6 декабря 2019 года в Чувашском государственном педагогическом университете им. И.Я. Яковлева прошла блиц-викторина «ПЕДПОЕЗД 5+» для обучающихся 10-11 классов общеобразовательных организаций и студентов профессиональных образовательных организаций.
Цель викторины – активизация профориентационной работы с учащейся молодежью.
Церемония награждения участников и их руководителей состоится 18 декабря 2019 года в 15.00 по адресу: г. Чебоксары, ул. К. Маркса, д. 38 (главный корпус ЧГПУ им. И.Я. Яковлева, ауд. 200).
Friendship of Peoples Festival-Competition at I. Y. Yakovlev Pedagogical University
Friendship of Peoples Festival-Competition at I. Y. Yakovlev Pedagogical University December 9, on the eve of the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, Yakovlev University held a colorful festival-competition Friendship of Peoples for the eighth time.
The festival aims at fostering a culture of tolerance among young people of different nationalities and religions and is designed to instill love for their homeland, distinctive and unique culture, and folk traditions in the young generation.
The ethnic festival is traditionally held by youth themselves. Each faculty presented a ten-minute presentation of the cultural traditions of one of the peoples of the world in creative performances. This year the culture of the peoples of the following countries and regions was presented: Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Georgia, the Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Buryatia, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug,
Irina Arkhipova, member of Pamyat Search Unit of I. Yakovlev University, participated in "Youth of Russia to the Generation of Winners" Russian Forum
Irina Arkhipova, member of Pamyat Search Unit of I. Yakovlev University, participated in "Youth of Russia to the Generation of Winners" Russian ForumDecember 2-5, the V All-Russian Forum "Russian Youth to the Generation of Winners" was held in Moscow. The forum was aimed at gaining skills in social design and information work in social networks.
Irina Arkhipova, 4-year student of the Faculty of History, Management and Law of Yakovlev University, member of Pamyat search unit of the Pedagogical University, took part in the Forum.
Elena Tsunaeva, Executive Secretary of the All-Russian Public Search Movement of Russia, and Anton Torgashev, Member of the Coordination Council, Director of Military Archeology Journal, spoke about the future goals and objectives of the Search Movement of Russia for the coming year at the foresight session.
December 3, the organizers of the forum selected 15 people representing regional branches who laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden on the Day of Unknown Soldier. Irina Arkhipova took part in the ceremony.
ChSPU Students Take Part in the International Volunteer Forum
ChSPU Students Take Part in the International Volunteer ForumOn December 5, the closing events of the International Volunteer Forum, which brought together 5,000 participants from Russia and abroad, were held in Sochi, the capital of the volunteer movement.
The delegation of the Chuvash Republic at the forum included ChSPU students Ekaterina Abrzhina, Anna Yakovleva (Faculty of Management), Daniil Kirgizov (Faculty of Technology and Economics), and Valeria Egorova (Faculty of Pre-School and Correctional Pedagogy).
The International Volunteer Forum brought together enthusiasts, speakers and expert volunteers, representatives of ministries, socially oriented non-profit organizations and charity foundations from different countries.
The participants of the forum attended discussions and workshops held by leading experts in the sphere of volunteering,
Mikhail Ignatyev: “There is a Demand for Qualified Specialists. Our Objective is to Have Them Trained at our Universities”
Mikhail Ignatyev: “There is a Demand for Qualified Specialists. Our Objective is to Have Them Trained at our Universities”On December 5, the Head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev took part in a round table discussion “Improvement of Employer-sponsored Education System as the Way of Human Resources Development in the Chuvash Republic”, which was held in Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
Prior to the event, the Head of the Republic examined the university’s scientific library. “We have the richest library in the Chuvash Republic. There are rare encyclopedias and modern editions in it. All readers have access to these resources,” said Vladimir Ivanov, Rector of the Pedagogical University.
The library employs digital technologies in its work. Thanks to the campus card, which is, on the one hand, a cash replacement tool and, on the other hand, an electronic medium for the information profile of students, employees and lecturers, the procedure for servicing library readers has been greatly simplified.
Yakovlev University Held the Events on HIV Prevention
Yakovlev University Held the Events on HIV PreventionFrom November 11 to December 2, ChSPU hosted the events aimed at preventing AIDS and infectious diseases. The purpose of the events is to increase youth awareness on HIV prevention issues, to develop youth motivation to preserve their health and the health of the people around.
The ChSPU curators and mentors of study groups spoke on the problem of HIV infection and AIDS in the form of lectures, talks, discussions, and quizzes. The students learnt how dangerous those diseases are, whether it is possible to have contacts with the infected, and which contacts should be avoided to reduce the risk of infection. The speakers dispelled the myths on the possibilities of infection, informed on anonymous diagnostics, and the timing for obtaining an accurate diagnosis.
In addition, the students took part in the “Red Ribbon” campaign, in which red ribbons were distributed on the central streets of the city, and in shopping centers.
ChSPU Won a Grant of the Federal Project Personnel for Digital Economy
ChSPU Won a Grant of the Federal Project Personnel for Digital Economy ChSPU won a grant for conducting thematic shifts in seasonal camps for schoolchildren in advanced areas of discrete mathematics, computer science and digital technology as part of the federal project Personnel for Digital Economy within the framework of Digital Economy National Program.
A profile shift for 12-18 year-old schoolchildren with the specialization in the digital field will be held from January 2 to January 12, 2019 at the Pearl of Chuvashia recreation complex and will consist of master classes in various areas: VR/AR, programming in Python language, 3D-modeling, Internet things, artificial intelligence, Robotics, Mobile Technologies in Digital Economy, Socialization of Digital Technologies, Information Security.
150 students, including 8 representatives from foreign schools will take part in the project. The qualifying Olympiad will be held online from December 16 to 20, 2019.
Participation in the profile shift for the winners of the qualifying round is free!
Lessons of Courage and Memory for Students
Lessons of Courage and Memory for StudentsOn December 2, in honor of the Day of the Unknown Soldier, the head of the ChSPU Pamyat search unit Nikolay Myasnikov gave a lesson of courage and memory for students of 6th and 11th grades of school number 31 in Cheboksary.
He spoke about the history of the search movement in Russia and Chuvashia, about the expeditions of Pamyat search unit. In addition, the students watched a presentation and a video based on the results of the last two memorial search missions. The children were touched by the tragic fate of Ivan Kochetkov, a soldier from the Mordovian Republic, whose mortal medallion was discovered by the members of Pamyat search unit during the last memorial search mission in the Tver Region. The artifacts of the Great Patriotic War aroused keen interest, among them there are models of ammunition, details of equipment and personal belongings of the soldiers of the Red Army. Such meetings with schoolchildren are necessary in the matter of patriotic education of the younger generation.
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации