Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
университет им. И. Я. Яковлева

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ChSPU Sambo Wrestlers Succeeded at the All-Russian Competition among Students "Movement Energy"
ChSPU Sambo Wrestlers Succeeded at the All-Russian Competition among Students "Movement Energy"
On November 7, Moscow hosted the International Congress "History of Sambo", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Sambo. Within the framework of the congress, the All-Russian Sambo Competition among students “Energy of Movement” was held in the athletics arena of the stadium “Energy”, the participants of which were sambo students from Russian universities from 15 Russian Federation constituencies.
High results were shown by students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of ChSPU:
1st place - Vera Lotkova, 2nd year, high quality 56 kg
1st place - Stanislav Nikiforov, 4th year, military training 68 kg
2nd place - Natalya Agapova, 1 year, w / c 52 kg
CHSPU Students took part in "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" Festival
CHSPU Students took part in "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" FestivalOn the Day of National Unity, the VI Republican Festival of National Cultures "United Family of the Peoples of Russia" was held at the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Chuvash Republic. The holiday gathered people of different nationalities, religions and generations. Russians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvash, Arabs, Indians, Azerbaijanis, Turkmens, Pakistanis and representatives of other nationalities living in the republic united in a large interactive round dance on the square of the House of Friendship of Peoples.
The Turkmen choreographic ensemble "Nazenin" from I. Yakovlev ChSPU actively participated in the festival.
Within the framework of the festival, a tasting of dishes of national cuisine of different nations was held, an exposition of cultural and everyday objects of the peoples living in Chuvashia was launched.
Golden Jubilee of Physical Education Faculty
Golden Jubilee of Physical Education Faculty On November 1, at Y. Ukhsay Palace of Culture the Faculty of Physical Education anniversary of Yakovlev University celebrated the 50th foundation.

The festive event united the students, professors, employees and, different year graduates, famous athletes, Chuvash and Russian sports masters, coaches and leaders of physical education and sports institutions. The festive event programme was imbued with the idea of generational communication. This idea was set by the Heroes of Sports starting number with a demonstration of the faculty large flag on the stage.
Nelly Vitalievna Igoshina, Dean of the Faculty, Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports of the Chuvash Republic, USSR master of sports acrobatics, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, opened the celebration.
Autumn Holiday School for Pupils of 9th-11th Grades at ChSPU
Autumn Holiday School for Pupils of 9th-11th Grades at ChSPUOn October 29 and 30, I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University held the Autumn Holiday School for pupils of the 9th-11th grades, pupils of pedagogical classes functioning on the basis of comprehensive schools of the Chuvash Republic.
Each participant of the holiday school had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the university. Within the framework of this school, the participants visited interactive platforms where various workshops, trainings, cognitive games and experiments were held for them. The workshop “Technology of Problematic Education in Modern School”, and the class “Modern Technologies in Educational Process. Creative Workshop” were held for teachers. The teachers and students learned a lot about the university, possibilities of education, and about the enrollment procedure. They expressed a desire to oftener participate in such events.
Evgenia Zakharchenko, ChSPU Student, is Bronze Medalist of the U23 Wrestling World Championship
Evgenia Zakharchenko, ChSPU Student, is Bronze Medalist of the U23 Wrestling World Championship From October 28 to November 3, the U23 Wrestling World Championship was held in Budapest, Hungary.
The student of the Chuvash wrestling school, the forth-year student of the Faculty of History, Management and Law of ChSPU, Evgenia Zakharchenko, participated at the Championship as a member of the Russian national team, and won the bronze medal in the weight category up to 72 kg.
Zakharchenko E. is Master of Sports of International Level in wrestling of 2018 European Junior Champion, and Medalist of the World Junior Championship.

November 1, 2019
Vocal Ensemble “Impromptu” is the 1st Degree Laureate of the International Festival-Contest “Creative Discoveries”
Vocal Ensemble “Impromptu” is the 1st Degree Laureate of the International Festival-Contest “Creative Discoveries”
At the end of October, the 40th International Creative Festival-Contest “Creative Discoveries” was held in St. Petersburg. The event brought together more than 70 cultural groups from Russia, Bulgaria and Thailand. The vocal ensemble “Impromptu” of the faculty of Arts and Music Education of ChSPU (conductor is E.V. Bakshaeva, concertmaster is N.A. Bekneva) became the 1st degree laureate of the festival-contest in the nomination “Vocal Creativity. Academic Vocals. Ensemble.”

October 30, 2019

ChSPU International Educational Campaign “Geographical Dictation”
ChSPU International Educational Campaign “Geographical Dictation”On October 8, ChSPU held the international educational campaign “Geographical Dictation” initiated by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, the Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Russian Geographical Society. Its main goal is to popularize geographical knowledge and increase interest in geography of Russia among the population.
The event was attended by 169 people (students, schoolchildren, teachers, geographers, travelers). Sergey Maximov, Head of the Chuvash Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, was invited as an honored guest, and in his speech mentioned the high level of the organized event.
All the participants obtained participant certificates.
The individual results of writing the dictation can be found on the website of the Russian Geographical Society on November 29, 2019.
Round Table Conference on Issues of Employment of Graduates and Other Persons with Disabilities Was Held at ChSPU
Round Table Conference on Issues of Employment of Graduates and Other Persons with Disabilities Was Held at ChSPUOn October 31st, I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, with the participation of the Resource Training and Methodological Center for Training of the Disabled and Persons with Limited Health Capacities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vyatka State University”, held the round table conference “Employment of Graduates and Other Persons with Disabilities: Opportunities, Risks, Prospects”. The purpose of the event is to promote the employment and postgraduate support of graduates with disabilities.
The Rector of ChSPU Vladimir Ivanov stressed the importance of the discussed issues on inclusive higher education, postgraduate support and employment of persons with disabilities during the round table conference.
The round table conference was attended by the representatives of executive authorities:
Memorial Day of Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev
Memorial Day of Ivan Yakovlevich YakovlevOn October 23, many people gathered in the square in front of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic to pay tribute to Ivan Yakovlev, the great Chuvash enlightener, whose heart stopped beating on this day in 1930.
Konstantin Yakovlev, Minister of Culture, Nationalities and Archival Affairs of the Chuvash Republic, Anatoly Ukhtiyarov, Vice President of the Chuvash National Congress, Lidia Filippova, Chairman of the Union of Professional Writers, Anatoly Kibech, People's Writer of Chuvashia, schoolchildren, students and professors of I. Yakovlev ChSPU, representatives of the creative intelligentsia attended the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Ivan Yakovlev.
Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev (1848-1930) was an educator of the Chuvash people, creator of the alphabet for the modern Chuvash written language.
Born in a peasant family, he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Kazan University in 1875...
Evgenia Zakharchenko to Participate at the World Wrestling Championship
Evgenia Zakharchenko to Participate at the World Wrestling ChampionshipFrom October 28 to November 3, Budapest, Hungary, will host the U23 World Wrestling Championship.
Evgenia Zakharchenko
, student of the Chuvash school of wrestling, 4th year student at the Faculty of History, Management and Law of ChSPU, will participate at the competition as part of the Russian team.
E. Zakharchenko is an nternational class master of sports in wrestling, European champion among juniors in 2018, winner of the world championship among juniors.
Enhanced International Cooperation: Visit of Yakovlev University Delegation to Guizhou Province
Enhanced International Cooperation: Visit of Yakovlev University Delegation to Guizhou Province The delegation of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University, consisting of rector Vladimir Ivanov, Alexander Kirillov, head of the department of scientific and innovative work, Igor Kozhanov, dean of the faculty of preschool and correctional pedagogy and psychology, visited the capital of Guizhou province - the city of Guiyang (China) in the framework of cooperation with Guizhou Pedagogical University.
During the visit, an official meeting was held with the rector of Guizhou Pedagogical University, Mr. Xiao Yuanping and the university administration, during which the issues of teaching bachelors, masters and graduate students, conducting joint events in the framework of studying the languages of both countries, scientific research in the field of pedagogy and psychology, as well as creating conditions for cultural exchange were discussed.
FFL Students and Teachers Meet Kristin Tytgut, Translator and Interpreter of the European Parliament
FFL Students and Teachers  Meet Kristin Tytgut, Translator and Interpreter of the European ParliamentOn October 21,the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University hosted a meeting with Kristin Tytgut, a practicing translator and interpreter of the European Parliament, a teacher at the Free University of Brussels, and a polyglot. The event was held in the framework of the XXIV International Festival of Languages and the NAUKA0 + Festival.
Kristin began the meeting with students and professors with the theoretical aspects of translation, reminding the students of the existence of different types of interpretation - simultaneous, consecutive, paragraph-phrase, one-way and two-way. The students learned about the types of interpretation used in the European Parliament and what qualifications an international level translator should have. The listeners asked Kristin questions about her experience in learning foreign languages (her native language is Dutch, and she is fluent in Russian, English, French, German and even Esperanto).
Welcome to the FFL Literary Club ‘Izba-Chitalnya’
Welcome to the FFL Literary Club ‘Izba-Chitalnya’On October 18, a regular session of the FFL literary club ‘Izba-Chitalnya’ took place at the Resource Center of the faculty. This time the session was dedicated to the debut novel of the modern Russian author Guzel Yakhina ‘Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes’. The participants shared their opinions about the novel, about common and private history in the novel, about wise and strong people who survived the horrors of collectivization and war, and managed not to lose the ability to love and sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.
The literary club has existed at the Faculty of Foreign Languages since 2015. The club was organized byCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation Studies N. S. Kurnikova. The club participants agree on the book in advance and meet once a fortnight to discuss it.
The XXIV International Language Festival at Yakovlev University
The XXIV International Language Festival at Yakovlev UniversityOn October 20, the International Language Festival took place at the ChSPU. Polyglots and linguists from different countries, professors and teachers of foreign languages, students and schoolchildren, and all those who like to study languages and cultures, gather annually at the festival. The project was organized by Language for Success School of Foreign Languages , Sodruzhestvo Volunteer Center, Haval Chuvash Initiative Group and the Faculty of Foreign Languages of ChSPU.
More than 30 languages were represented at the event, which was held in the framework of the NAUKA 0+ science festival. These include Finnish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Chechen, and even such a rare language as Aleutian. The guests also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the sign language and the Braille script. Presentations were conducted by experienced linguists and polyglots, as well as native speakers.
CHSPU Best Driver Contest
CHSPU Best Driver ContestThe Best Driver contest took place at Yakovlev University in order to popularize the system of high-quality professional training and retraining of vehicle drivers. The organizer of the contest, which was held within the framework of the NAUKA 0+ science festival, was the Faculty of Technology and Economics.
The participants demonstrated knowledge of the road traffic rules, the construction of a car, first aid treatment in the intramural stage of the contest, and then the skills of high-speed maneuvering at a specialized site.
The winners of the competition are:
1st place - R. Komissarov, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
2nd place - M. Yatrushev, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
The Scientific and Sirius Educational Center is the Place to Gain New Knowledge
The Scientific and Sirius Educational Center is the Place to Gain New KnowledgeCHSPU Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Physics Elena Nikonova took advanced training courses on the program «Techniques for Working with Mathematically Gifted Students and the Development of Mathematical Abilities of Students».
Only 22 people who passed the preliminary selection (solving some olympiad mathematical problems and the methodological part) received an invitation to the courses). Within the framework of the program, in the form of lectures, thematic conversations, group/independent/distance work, participants of the courses received the knowledge that enabled them to create a creative environment for supporting and accompanying gifted children; to develop teaching methods for solving problems of increased complexity in mathematics, to carry out high-quality training of students for various intellectual competitions;
Students of the Faculty of Physical Education Learned about Anti-doping Rules
Students of the Faculty of Physical Education Learned about Anti-doping RulesOctober 17, an open lecture "Anti-Doping Rules" was delivered at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Yakovlev University in the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Science Nauka0 +.
Olga Bukina, Advisor to the Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Chuvash Republic, Instructor and methodologist of the Federal Center for Training of Sports Reserve of the Ministry of Sports of Russia for the Volga Federal District, told students and professors about the procedure of the doping control in Russia and the Chuvash Republic, the consequences of anti-doping rule violations and types of sanctions for athletes and staff.
Anatoly Grigoryev, Deputy Director for Sports at Ignatyev Sports Training Center, Graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education in 2015, explained the anti-doping rules, rights and obligations of athletes and staff.
CHSPU Students Win the Regional Stage of the All-Russian ‘Leader of the XXI Century’ Contest
CHSPU Students Win the Regional Stage of the All-Russian  ‘Leader of the XXI Century’ ContestOn October 15, the republican stage of the All-Russian contest of leaders and heads of youth non-governmental organizations ‘The Leader of the 21st Century’ took place in the CHSPU.
The participants of the internal stage of the competition were 10 people who represented 6 youth non-governmental organizations.
Representatives of Yakovlev University became the winners in the nominations:
- ‘Leader of the youth non-governmental organization of the age 18-25’ - 1st place - Anna Kuzmina, Primary labor union student organization of CHSPU.
- ‘Head of the youth non-governmental of the age 18-25’ - 1st place - Dilyara Vakhitova, Council of students «Student Congress of CHSPU».
The winners will take part in the federal correspondence stage of the All-Russian competition «Leader of the 21st century»,
Pupils at the Computer Engineering Museum of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University
Pupils at the Computer Engineering Museum of the Chuvash State Pedagogical UniversityThe pupils of school №12 of Cheboksary visited the Computer Engineering Museum which operates at the Department of Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. For the pupils from the 6th to the 8th grades associate professors of the department, Tatiana Kopysheva and Alina Gerasimova, received the lecture called “The history of Computer Engineering”, during which the pupils learned that all progress, from counting on fingers to computing on heavy-duty computers, consists of three stages of the computer technology development - home-mechanic, mechanical, electronic computing. The pupils were shown how the calculations were carried out using a slide rule, an arithmometer and an abacus.
The Computer Engineering Museum has unique exhibits such as: arithmometer “Bystritsa-2”, arithmometer “VK-2”, arithmometer “Felix”, a slide rule, an abacus, movie projector “Raduga-2” KP-1M (produced by Kiev KINAP factory since 1977), keyboard “BPK Elara-128", microcalculator “MK-61”,...
Irina Timofeeva is the best counselor of the Volga Federal District
Irina Timofeeva is the best counselor of the Volga Federal DistrictFrom the 11th to the 13th of October the IX student work teams rally of the Volga Federal District took place. It gathered more than 300 best fighters, commissioners, commanders, veterans of student work teams.
During the rally, there were district professional skill contests, a contest of leaders of student work teams, "Mr. and Miss of the student work teams of the Volga Federal District," creative concerts and recreational activities held for the participants.
The rally agenda also included an educational aspect: theoretical basics in the field of ecology, pedagogy, social design, time management, the basics of blogging and design. Besides, all the participants had a chance to share their life experience within the Storytelling platform.
In the framework of the professional skill contest of student pedagogical teams, the participants showed their knowledge of the activity basics of a children’s recreation camp counselor, held a practical stage - pedagogical work, and presented a creative performance under the topic identified by the organizers.
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации