Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Чувашский государственный педагогический
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CHSPU Students - Participants of the “Parade of Friendship of the Peoples of Russia”
CHSPU Students - Participants of the “Parade of Friendship of the Peoples of Russia”The whole country celebrated the Day of Russia on June 12. Public events were held in the capital of the Chuvash Republic. One of the most striking events of the day is the Parade of Friendship of the Peoples of Russia which included representatives of cultural centers and peoples living on the territory of the Chuvash Republic. Students of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University marched in the festive column, which proceeded from Republic Square to Red Square. Most of the CHSPU delegation was made up of students from Turkmenistan who study at the pedagogical university. Berkut and Nazenin Dance Groups performed national dances. The main events of the holiday were held on Red Square in the capital of the republic, where in a solemn atmosphere young citizens received passports of the Russian Federation from Mikhail Ignatiev, Head of Chuvashia. Commemorative medals in honor of the 550th anniversary of Cheboksary were given to 20 citizens. The creative teams of the city presented bright concert programs.
Prize-winners of the Best Student Group Competition Visited Nizhniy Novgorod
Prize-winners of the Best Student Group Competition Visited Nizhniy NovgorodCHSPU students visited Nizhny Novgorod. The student group of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy and the student group of the Faculty of Natural Science Education had a tour trip to Nizhny Novgorod. They won the second prize in the traditional annual Best Student Group Competition of the pedagogical university.
“We enjoyed the main sights of Nizhny Novgorod and little by little learnt about the amazing history of the ancient city. We were impressed by Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and the scenic views of the city. This is a unique monument of history and architecture of the beginning of the XVI century, the second largest in Russia and the only one with a height difference of 80 m. There is an exhibition of military equipment in the open air on the territory of the Kremlin. The unique panel "Our Victory", consisting of more than 15 thousand photos of citizens who participated in the Great Patriotic War, deserved our special attention. There are a lot of places associated with the life of Maxim Gorky in this city. We visited the House of Kashirins Museum. This is the house of Gorky's grandfather, V. Kashirin,
Igor Spitsberg, head of Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children «Our Sunny World» held the training seminar in CHSPU
Igor Spitsberg, head of Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children «Our Sunny World» held the training seminar in CHSPUOn June 10th CHSPU held the training seminar «Children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders in the educational space».
Igor Shpitsberg,
head of Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children «Our Sunny World», member of the Board of the International Association of Autism Europe, member of the Council of the All-Russian Parents-Children-Disabled Organization (VORDI), member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the complex support of children with autism spectrum disorders, spoke on the functions of the Center, demonstrated the videos about it, made a presentation on the report.
Over 300 people attended the seminar: the students and lecturers of the faculty of preschool and correctional pedagogics and psychology of CHSPU, representatives of the remedial schools, subordinated to the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia,
Olga Terentyeva - Bronze Medalist of the Russian Mountain Biking Championship
Olga Terentyeva - Bronze Medalist of the Russian Mountain Biking ChampionshipThe Russian Mountain Biking Championship in the Olympic discipline "Cross-country" was held in the Arkhyz Tourist Complex in Karachay-Cherkessia on June 9. About 100 athletes from 20 regions of Russia participated in the competition. The races were held at the altitude of 1650-1750 meters above the sea level in the midlands. Olga Terentyeva, student of the Chuvash mountain biking school, undergraduate of the Faculty of Physical Culture of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University won a bronze medal in the women's race.
CHSPU Students Win the All-Russian Great Patriotic War Song Translation Contest “Do Russians Want a War?”
CHSPU Students Win the All-Russian Great Patriotic War Song Translation Contest “Do Russians Want a War?”Students of the English Department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University (CHSPU) became the winners of the 1st All-Russian competition of translation of Soviet songs about the Great Patriotic War “Do Russians Want a War?”, which was organized by the English Department of Petrozavodsk State University.
CHSPU students won two of the available student prizes:
- 2nd degree diploma was awarded to Ekaterina Yakovleva and Victoria Osipova, 3rd year students, for the translation of the song For that Guy by Mark Fradkin and Robert Rozhdestvensky;
- 3rd degree diploma was received by Julia Ilyina, also a 3rd year student, for translating the song Eternal Flame by Rafail Khozak and Yevgeny Agranovich.
In total, 20 students of the English Department took part in the contest.
A Trip to Moscow for the Best Student Group
A Trip to Moscow for the Best Student GroupThe third-year students of the Faculty of Art and Music Education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University visited Moscow with the excursion program "Moscow is the capital of Russia". They won this trip as the prize at the university competition "The best student group." Tatyana Vasilyeva, the student of the Faculty of Art and Music Education says: “During the sightseeing tour we learned more about the history of the city, visited the sightseeing platform of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where we could see an extensive view of Moscow; then we enjoyed a walk on the Red Square and admired the beauty of Izmaylovsky Park, Zaryadye Park and Kolomenskoye Reserve Museum. Our friendly team enjoyed this interesting and active trip especially in such beautiful summer weather.”
Veronika Chumikova Won the International Freestyle Tournament «BAIKAL OPEN – 2019»
Veronika Chumikova Won the International Freestyle Tournament «BAIKAL OPEN – 2019»The 14th International freestyle wrestling tournament for the prizes of the Head of Buryatia was held in Ulan-Ude. More than 200 athletes from the Dominican Republic, South Korea, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, China, Mongolia and Russia took part in the competition.
Veronika Chumikova, the student of the faculty of physical education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, posted a win in the weight category up to 57 kg.
In the final event V. Chumikova dismissed the athlete from Mongolia.

I. Yakovlev Chuvash state University was awarded the title "Winner of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad 2019"
I. Yakovlev Chuvash state University  was awarded the title "Winner of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad 2019"The letter of congratulation on behalf of the co-chairman of the organizing committee of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad V. G. Navodnov: “Dear Vladimir Nikolaevich! Congratulations on the successful performance of students of your University at the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in 2018-2019 academic year! By participating in innovative Olympiads, your University positions itself as an educational institution with great strategic ambitions, which pays great attention to talented young people. Your students showed a high level of training in the first round of the Internet Olympiad and performed decently in the final round of the Olympiad. The Organizing Committee of the Internet Olympiad decided to award your university the honorary title "Winner of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad 2019". We look forward to further cooperation and active participation of students of your University in the Internet Olympiads next season! ”
Vera Lotkova Won the European Sambo Championship
Vera Lotkova Won the European Sambo ChampionshipThe European Sambo Championship was held among men and women in Spain from May 17 to 19. More than 230 sambo wrestlers from 29 countries fought for the title of the strongest.
Vera Lotkova (trained by Sergey Pegasov), the first-year student of the faculty of physical education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, took the top spot in the weight category of 52 kg.
In the final event V. Lotkova beat the athlete from Moldova.

«PATRIOT» Student Sports Club Team Won the All-Russian Tournament «ZAPAD»
«PATRIOT» Student Sports Club Team Won the All-Russian Tournament  «ZAPAD»The All-Russian Festival «Our choice is sports!» was held in Kazan from May 29 to June 2, 2019. The Festival united the finalists of the three projects of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia (ASSC). Those were the finalists in the main competitions of the ASSC Championship, in the activists’ educational program of the student sports movement «ASSC.pro», and in the qualifying competitions of the first club tournament «Vostok vs Zapad». 2,200 students from 55 regions of Russia took part in the Festival.
CHSPU Student Sports Club «Patriot» captured gold in the club tournament «Zapad» and, thus, entered the European conference of the club tournament «Vostok vs Zapad».
16 teams from the Russian universities took part in the qualifying matches of the All-Russian Club Tournament «Zapad».
Participants of the International Forum of “Yangtze-Volga” University Alliance Visit I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University
Participants of the International Forum of “Yangtze-Volga” University Alliance Visit I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical UniversityCheboksary hosted the II Forum of universities of the Volga Federal District (Russian Federation) and the provinces of the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (People’s Republic of China). 35 representatives from 17 Chinese universities and more than 30 representatives from 23 Russian universities of the Volga Federal District took part in it.
On May 23, delegations from Russian and Chinese universities visited I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University (CHSPU).
The Forum participants attended the Center for Chinese Language and Culture, which operates at CHSPU. It was launched 5 years ago and since that time it has been actively involved in educational work and dissemination of information about China, its history, culture and national traditions among the people of Chuvashia. The Center also hosts Chinese language courses for students and schoolchildren and promotes scientific research in the field of Sinology and Bichurin studies.
The guests of the university had an opportunity to attend a lesson of the Russian language for exchange students from ...
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University in the years of the Great Patriotic War
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University in the years of the Great Patriotic WarI. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University is rich in history which reflects the history of our country. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War 46 University lecturers and 144 students volunteered for the front. Despite all the difficulties, the students graduated from I. Yakovlev University (which was named “Pedagogical Institute” at that time) even then.
June 23
Due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there began the mobilization of the Institute’s teaching staff and students to the front.
July 15
The university professors evacuated from the western regions of the country began lecturing at the Chuvash Pedagogical Institute.
Alexander Fedorov is the winner of the International Sambo Tournament
Alexander Fedorov is the winner of the International Sambo Tournament The international sambo tournament “Memorial of Yuri Potapov” was held last weekend in Vladivostok. About 200 athletes from 15 European and Asian countries, as well as from 20 regions of the Russian Federation, took part in the competition.
Alexander Fedorov took part in the competition as part of the Russian national team. He is a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University (coach - Sergey Pegasov). He took 1st place in the weight category up to 62 kg.
Akulina Sergeeva, the Chuvash State Pedagogical University student, successfully performed at the World Championship in sports tourism
Akulina Sergeeva, the Chuvash State Pedagogical University student, successfully performed at the World Championship in sports tourism
The first World Championship in sports tourism at pedestrian distances was held in the Republic of Mari El on May 3rd. The competition was attended by teams from the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The athletes competed in the2nd class personal distance.
The Russian national team included Akulina Sergeeva, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, who took the 6th place.
News from China
News from ChinaWithin the partnership program with the Guizhou Pedagogical University, the students of the Faculty of foreign languages of the I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University Larisa Philippova, Ekaterina Kuznetsova and Aksinya Timofeeva started their training period in the People’s republic of China. They are learning the Chinese language at the Guizhou Pedagogical University (the city of Guiyang).

Aksinya Timofeeva: “It’s been two months since we arrived in China. A lot of interesting things have happened to us during this time. We’ve made new friends with both locals and exchange students from other countries...
I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University and Guizhou Pedagogical University Sign a Cooperation Agreement
I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University and Guizhou Pedagogical University Sign a Cooperation AgreementA delegation from I.Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University including S.V. Ilina, Academic Vice-President, O.M. Lukicheva, Vice-President on Educational Work and Social Issues, A.A. Kirillov, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Work, and N.V. Kormilina, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, visited the city of Guiyang, the capital of the Guizhou province (People’s Republic of China), within the partnership program with the Guizhou Pedagogical University. During the three-day visit, there was an official meeting with the President of the Guizhou Pedagogical...
РОССИЙСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ  ОБЩЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ПРОФСОЮЗ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ  Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации  Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации