Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
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International Scientific and Methodical Seminar "Actual Problems of the Theory of the French Language and Methods of Teaching
International Scientific and Methodical Seminar "Actual Problems of the Theory of the French Language and Methods of TeachingI. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University hosted an international scientific and methodological seminar on the theory of the French language and methods of teaching on September 21. The seminar was opened by Alexander Kirillov, the head of the department of scientific and innovative work, who mentioned the importance of this event in connection with the revival of the study of the French and German languages as a second foreign language in schools of the Chuvash Republic.
Teaching French at schools and universities of the republic has a long-lasting tradition. Teachers of secondary schools and university professors have gained great methodological experience in teaching the French language, which they exchanged in a friendly working atmosphere. There was also developed a plan of joint scientific, cultural and social events, aimed at introducing students to the study of the French language and francophone culture.
Vera Lotkova Wins Gold in IV European Sambo Cup
Vera Lotkova Wins Gold in IV European Sambo CupVera Lotkova, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, a pupil of the Chuvash sambo school, master of sports of Russia, became the winner of the IV European Sambo Cup.
Competitions were held last weekend in the city of Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). They were attended by more than 100 athletes from 14 countries - Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic.
In the weight category up to 52 kg, the student of the honored coach of the Chuvash Republic Sergey Pegasov defeated the athlete from France Julia Rosso, becoming the winner of the gold medal and the winner's cup. Daniela Chiss from Romania took the bronze medal.
School of Activists for Freshmen at Yakovlev University
School of Activists for Freshmen at Yakovlev UniversitySeptember 13-15, a traditional field school of activists for freshmen was held in Mechta Health Centre. It was organized by the department of educational work of the Pedagogical University and the Student Congress.
Different activities were organized for the 1st year students: team building games, trainings, a rope course and intellectual games, etc. In addition, first-year students attended master classes in the main areas of student social activities at the university organized by the activists of the Student Congress, Pamyat Search Group, the trade union committee of students, the student scientific society, Nadezhda Tourist Club, the Student Club, Patriot Club, the University Media Center, student security service, student service team, IKS Student Intellectual Club, Corporation of Good Deeds Volunteer organization, Volunteers-Doctors, Volunteers of Victory, the headquarters of student labor union, School of Counselor Mastership, Attic pedagogical group and Green City environmental movement.
The 1st year students could also take part in the concert program and, of course, make new friends.
CHSPU Holds Volunteer Fire Fighting Competitions
CHSPU Holds Volunteer Fire Fighting Competitions On September 11, the Volga stadium in Cheboksary became the venue of competitions between student voluntary fire brigades of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. 13 university teams took part in the event. Such competitions are held at the Pedagogical University for the seventh time.
The CHSPU President Professor Vladimir Ivanov and Head of the General Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Chuvash Republic (chief state fire inspector of the Chuvash Republic) Stanislav Antonov greeted the participants of the competition in their opening speeches.
The competition included five stages. First, the students had to carry a “victim” out of a fire. Then they were supposed to lay out the fire hose correctly and to knock down a special target with a water jet. They only had a few seconds for each task. Not only did the students have to quickly perform the tasks, but also bear all technical requirements and rules in mind. The competitors also had to put out a flaming mannequin with a fire blanket.
Business Breakfast with Yakovlev University President
Business Breakfast with Yakovlev University PresidentToday, Vladimir Ivanov, the President of the Pedagogical University, had a meeting in the format of business breakfast with the university active students in the repaired cafe of the main building of the University.
It was an open and friendly conversation about students’ life, their achievements and problems. The issues of organizing set breakfasts and lunches, improving students’ health, repairing halls of residencies and university buildings were discussed. The students noticed that the classrooms had been renovated in summer. In addition, the students of the pedagogical university invited the President to the upcoming freshmen school of activists to be held at the weekend.
Vladimir Ivanov congratulated the students on the beginning of the academic year, thanked for their active life position and expressed confidence in their further fruitful work.
XII International Seminar in Contemporary British Literature in Russian and Belarusian Universities
XII International Seminar in Contemporary British Literature in Russian and Belarusian UniversitiesOn September 10-11, 2019, with the support of the Oxford Russian Foundation, the Perm State National Research University hosted the XII International Seminar "Contemporary British Literature in Russian and Belarusian Universities." Its main objectives include improving the quality of teaching British literature in higher education, as well as familiarizing participants with the main trends in modern English literature. Currently, the project involves over sixty Russian and Belarusian universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladivostok, Donetsk, Yekaterinburg, Kursk, Minsk, Neryungri, Novosibirsk, Penza, Samara, Saransk, Chita, etc. The Faculty of Foreign Languages of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University joined this literary project in 2018 and was this year represented by Natalya Kurnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation Studies.
YAKOVLEV UNIVERSITY SPORTS TEAMS WON THE 81ST TRACK-AND-FIELD RELAY RACE HELD BY “SOVETSKAYA CHUVASHIA”On September 7, “Sovetskaya Chuvashia” newspaper held the 81st track-and-field relay race in memory of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, USSR Pilot-Cosmonaut, Major General A. G. Nikolaev.
186 teams and almost 1,200 participants competed in the races. Competitions were held in 12 groups. Yakovlev University sports team won in the core group. Moreover, Pedagogical University men’s team came third in the core group.
ChSPU fans, who actively cheered for our university athletes, were presented with a big cake.
In his welcoming address, the Head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatyev, said that the relay race is being held during the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the great fellow-countryman, hardworking, decent and honest person – Andriyan Grigoryevich Nikolaev, who had once set an ambitious goal and achieved it.
Elena Nikolaeva, Deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic Champion, Olympiada Ivanova, Olympic Champion in 20 km Race Walking, ...
YAKOVLEV UNIVERSITY STANDS FOR SPORTS TOURISM! From November 2018 to August 31, 2019, in the Chuvash Republic there had been the implementation of the project of the Federation of Sports Tourism of the Chuvash Republic “I Choose Sports Tourism” with financial support from the Presidential Grants Fund.
The project was carried out in order to popularize and develop sports tourism in the Chuvash Republic and increase the number of people involved in this sport.
The project was implemented in 7 towns of the Republic, where there 11 centers for the development of sports tourism of the Federation of Sports Tourism of the Chuvash Republic were created. Yakovlev University was selected to place one of the centers for the development of sports tourism.
There have been achieved significant results on the project over the year.
ChSPU hosted a workshop in sports tourism, which brought together about 100 students.
Events Dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism were Held at ChSPU
Events Dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism were Held at ChSPU As part of the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism Yakovlev University organized a number of events.
All faculties of the university held meetings devoted to fight against terrorism." On this day, students honored the memory of the innocent victims of terrorist attacks, revised the rules of conduct in case of terrorist attacks, watched documentaries “Beslan”, “Combating Terror” documentaries, participated in special trainings, discussed the problems of the terrorist threat in the modern world, practiced skills in extreme situations, handed out leaflets "Terrorism - a threat to society."
Every year on September 3, Russia celebrates Solidarity Day in the fight against terrorism. This memorable date for Russia was established in 2005 and is associated with the tragic events in Beslan on September 1-3, 2004. As a result of the terrorist seizure of school No. 1, more than 1.2 thousand people were held hostage.
Сonstruction of Gastello Housing Complex has been Launched as Part of the Teacher’s Home Program
Сonstruction of Gastello Housing Complex has been Launched as Part of the Teacher’s Home ProgramOn September 3, a ceremony was held on the occasion of laying the foundation and the beginning of the construction of a new housing complex in our city.
This project has an important social role: some of the apartments will be part of the “Teacher’s House” program.
The event was attended by Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic Alexey Grishchenko, Minister of Justice and Property Relations Natalya Timofeeva, General Director of Specialized Developer Mortgage Corporation of the Chuvash Republic, JSC Albert Sidorkin, Rector of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University Vladimir Ivanov.
The honored guests took part in laying the foundation for the first house and, according to the old Russian tradition, threw some coins into it for the strength of the foundation of the house and the prosperity of its future residents.
School Teachers from Chuvashia (Graduates of ChSPU) are Laureates of the Prize of the President of Russia
School Teachers from Chuvashia (Graduates of ChSPU) are Laureates of the Prize of the President of RussiaNine teachers in Chuvashia were awarded a high prize - the Prize of the President of Russia. Six of them are Yakovlev University graduates:
Albina Gerasimova
- teacher of Lyceum No. 4 in Cheboksary, a graduate of the Industrial-pedagogical Faculty (now the Faculty of Technology and Economics);
Oleg Osipov - teacher of the Kildyushevskaya secondary school of the Yalchik district, a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education;
Eduard Romanov - teacher of the Krasnochetayskaya secondary school, graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education;
Nina Semenova - teacher of Gymnasium No. 5 in Cheboksary, a graduate of the Art and Graphic faculty (now the Faculty of Art and Music Education);
YAKOVLEV UNIVERSITY MEETS FRESHMENYakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University held the celebration of the Day of Knowledge at Ukhsai Palace of Culture on September 2.
The student associations of the Chuvash University presented their expositions in the hall of the Palace of Culture before the event.
Vladimir Ivanov, Rector of the Pedagogical University, Adviser to the President of the Chuvash Republic, started the event. Vladimir Nikolaevich congratulated the students on Knowledge Day and noted that this is an anniversary year for the University. I. Yalovlev State Pedagogical University will celebrate the 90th anniversary this coming academic year, there will be the 100th anniversary of the Chuvash Autonomy, and, the whole year will be in the name of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
ChSPU Lecturer at an Internship in Belgium
ChSPU Lecturer at an Internship in BelgiumFrom August 5 to August 23, 2019, the head of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology Lilia Aleksandrovna Metelkova underwent "Continuous Training of French Language Teachers from Non-French-Speaking Countries" internship program at the University of Liège (Université de Liège), a French-speaking University, founded in 1817 in the city of Liege (Belgium).
A prerequisite for passing the competitive selection was a high level of knowledge of the French language - level C1-C2. The internship program was aimed at: - enhancing the systematic use of ICTs and communication strategies in the classroom; - encouraging teachers from different cultures to work in groups on didactic issues; - the development of constructive critical discussions on the concepts of "cultural identity", "stereotype", etc.
The content of the program gives French teachers the opportunity to study or rediscover areas of modern didactics with an emphasis on the use of information and communication technologies.
CHSPU Students Successfully Performed at the First All-Russian Student Games of National and Non-Olympic Sports
CHSPU Students Successfully Performed at the First All-Russian Student Games of National and Non-Olympic SportsOn August 23-24, the first All-Russian student games of national and non-Olympic sports were held in Cheboksary.
Students from 18 regions of Russia took part in the competitions dedicated to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the city of Cheboksary: Chuvashia, Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Yakutia, Buryatia, Tatarstan, Mari El, Mordovia, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Saratov, Kaluga, Omsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad regions, as well as the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
Within two days, medals were distributed in six sports – kickboxing, uchkur, kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, mas-wrestling and rugby.
According to the results of the competition, the team of the Chuvash Republic took the first team place in all six sports. Yakovlev University students showed the following results:
Arm wrestling
Konstantin Boyko, Yakovlev University Student, is Winner of the Champions Cup Tournament
Konstantin Boyko, Yakovlev University Student, is Winner of the Champions Cup TournamentOn August 23, the XIII International Professional Martial Arts Tournament was held in the capital of Chuvashia. The Champions Cup, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the city of Cheboksary, took place on the Singing Field.
Athletes from Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and Kazan met in boxing, kickboxing, MMA and Uchkur fights.
Seven exciting battles were organized as part of the tournament. The fourth match (kickboxing) brought together Konstantin Boyko, a student of the Faculty of Physical Education, and Vanik Kirakosyan, an athlete from Nizhny Novgorod. The result of an exciting battle was the victory of the athlete from Chuvashia. Konstantin Boyko won the gold medal and the champion belt in the 55 kg weight class.
Pedagogical University is an Active Participant in the Creative Boulevard Art Project
Pedagogical University is an Active Participant in the Creative Boulevard Art ProjectAugust 24 was the key day of the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the city of Cheboksary. The main streets of the city – Lenin Avenue and Karl Marx Street – were turned into a pedestrian zone. The participants of Creative Boulevard Art Project have deployed their interactive platforms there.
12 key sites presented the main historical moments of the city, and sent the guests of the Creative Boulevard back in time. Theater and sport, education and science, art and music were combined in a single festive space, more than 70 children's entertainment, animation, cultural, interactive platforms and art objects worked here.
Yakovlev University opened its exposition at the site of educational institutions. The Pedagogical University, as the first higher educational institution of the republic, offered the guests of Creative Boulevard an excursion into history by presenting museum exhibits: a model of the first building of the pedagogical institute, samples of school desks from the middle of the last century,
Yakovlev University Students Volunteer at Tavrida-ART Festival
Yakovlev University Students Volunteer at Tavrida-ART FestivalOn August 20, the first festival of creative communities of Russia – Tavrida-ART – started in Crimea. For the first time, the festival brought together 5,000 creative people: architects and urbanists, designers and artists, representatives of folk art and street art, actors and directors, poets and rappers, comedians and scriptwriters, sculptors, as well as lovers of various areas of culture and art. About 30 thousand spectators came to see their work.
More than 500 volunteers help them organize their creative work. Among them are the students of CHSPU. Dilyara Vakhitova, a student of the Faculty of Art and Music Education, is a team leader of the care for the participants of the festival, Valeria Egorova, a student of the Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, is a volunteer at DOBRO Quarter.
Taking Fist Steps as Interpreters
Taking Fist Steps as InterpretersAugust 21-25, 2019, Fairy Tale Parade, I International Puppet Theatre Festival was held in Cheboksary as a cultural event dedicated to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the city. There were represented theatres from Russia, Belarus, Bangladesh, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Cuba and Japan. The 4th year students of the Faculty of foreign languages volunteered to interpret the foreign guests.
According to Olga Antonova, there was a very creative atmosphere at the festival. “Each puppet theater had its own individual style, so it was very interesting to work with them. We quickly found a common language with the representatives of the theatres. Before the festival, I worried about my translation skills, but then I got constructive feedback and everything worked out all right. Our responsibilities included translating performances, press conferences and communication between the puppet masters. We also accompanied them to performances and various events”, she said.
Yakovlev University Students Vera Lotkova and Regina Mindubaeva Became Bronze Medalists of the International Sambo Tournament
Yakovlev University Students Vera Lotkova and Regina Mindubaeva Became Bronze Medalists of the International Sambo TournamentAugust 17-18, the International Sambo Tournament “Memorial to the Honored Coach of the USSR Mikhail Burdikov” was held in the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. More than 250 athletes from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan took part in it.
As part of the national team of the Chuvash Republic, Vera Lotkova and Regina Mindubaeva, students of the Faculty of Physical Education of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University took part in the tournament. Both athletes won bronze medals. Vera Lotkova competed in the 52 kg weight category, Regina Mindubaeva in the 72 kg weight class.

August 20, 2019
Groupmates Meet 61 Years after Graduation
Groupmates Meet 61 Years after GraduationThis group of graduates of the Historical and Philological faculty of I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute can be called unique, as they carried their student friendships through decades.
Every year on August 19, veteran teachers meet near the pedagogical university, which they graduated in 1958. Each year there are fewer of them, but they always come to a meeting in order to remember their student years, talk about life, about their work and about teaching.
These senior citizens are unique not only by devotion to each other, but also by their profession. Almost all of them devoted their entire life to teaching. Moreover, many of them worked as literature teachers in those rural schools where they were sent to work by their alma mater.
This year, graduates of 1958 met in the familiar park near the main building of the Pedagogical University. You can write more than one page about the life of each of them. They have striking morale, ...
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации